Long and Short term causes WW1 (quicknotes)


History Notas sobre Long and Short term causes WW1 (quicknotes), criado por yuvalgalshohet em 03-05-2014.
Notas por yuvalgalshohet, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por yuvalgalshohet mais de 10 anos atrás

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FIRST WORLD WAR Long-term causes: 1) Alliance System (might be a factor not a cause) - Dual Alliance 1879 – Germany – Austro-Hungary – originally secret – each state was to  help the other in case of an attack by any state other than Russia (Bismarck did not want  a war with Russia over Balkan question. - Triple Alliance 1882 – Italy joined the Dual Alliance – would join the other states if they  were attacked, except Britain (Italy was grateful to Britain for her part in unification of  Italy). Germany agreed later to support Italy if France attacked Tripoli or Morocco –  Bismarck was afraid of Franco-Russian rapprochement.  - Dual Entente 1893 – following series of loans from France to Russia – military plans, but  only defensive reg. Germany – provoked a feeling of encirclement among the Germans. - Anglo-French Entente 1904 – Britain had to end her policy of “splendid isolation” –  Kaiser supported the Boers in Boer War, Russia occupied Manchuria. Initially it was not  military, but B rec. F. interests in Morocco. Second Moroccan Crisis (see below) – led to  the defensive militarization of the Entente. - Anglo-Russian Entente 1907 – after Russo-Japanese War ended Russian interests in  China ended – no secret military protocols! Results: i) Central Powers: G, A-H, I – alliances – more specific terms ii) The Allies: F, R, B – ententes – less specific terms 2) Decline of Ottoman Empire - Power vacuum created - Destabilization of the Balkans - Fight for power – Russia – A-H 3) German Nationalism  Schlieffen Plan – defensive or offensive? Result of encirclement? “Place under the sun”  First Moroccan Crisis 1408 – interference in French territory – world became known  about Weltpolitic. Second Moroccan Crisis 1911 – Germany was forced to recognize French protectorate  over Morocco, because GB supported France – secret protocols were unknown to  Germany.  War Council Meeting – 1912 Moltke – “I consider a war to be inevitable – the sooner, the  better”.  4) Balkan Nationalism & Pan Slavism - Slav nations seeked independence from A-H as well as Ottoman Empire – seek man of  Europe - Panslavism played its role - Bosnian Crisis 1908 – Annexation of Bosnia led to humiliated Russia and Serbia - Balkan Wars 1912 & 1913 – attack on Turkey, Serbia doubled, Bulgarian affair – more  territory again Short-term causes: 1) Assassination of Franz Ferdinand – by Gavrilo Princip – “Black Hand” – did Serbian  police take part in it? 2) German Blanc Cheque – full support 3) Austrian ultimatum 4) Russian mobilization

Long and Short term causes


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