Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Middle Ages(Medieval)


Notas sobre Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Middle Ages(Medieval), criado por Charlotte johnson em 08-05-2014.
Charlotte johnson
Notas por Charlotte johnson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Charlotte johnson
Criado por Charlotte johnson mais de 10 anos atrás

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Middle Ages(Medieval)

Henry II strengthened royal control over law enforcement by bringing in Constitutions of Clarendon and Royal Writs.

Tithing group of 10 men who look out for each other

Trail by ordeal- method of law enforcement

Patriarchal society- male dominated society- crimes against father sewn in a bag with snakes thrown in river

Forest laws meant couldn't hunt deer.

Benefit of the Clergy- exiled for crimes, if recited a psalm you could get away with it only priests would know it

Wergeld and botgeld introduced to stop blood feuds.

Coroner brought in- examine dead bodies to look for crimes

Trail by Ordeal abolished in later middle ages.

King Alfred put an end to blood feud.

Heresy- having different views to the Christian religion( correct one at time)

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