Criado por katie.browell
quase 11 anos atrás
A narrow Fellow in the GrassOccasionally rides -You may have met Him - did you notHis notice sudden is -The Grass divides as with a Comb -A stopped shaft is seenAnd then it closes at your feetAnd opens further on -He likes a Boggy AcreA Floor too cool for Corn -But when a Boy, and Barefoot - -I more than once at NoonHave passed, I thought a Whip lashUnbraiding in the SunWhen stooping to secure itIt wrinkled, and was gone -Several of Natures PeopleI know, and they know me - - I feel for them a transportOf cordiality - -But never met this FellowAttended, or aloneWithout a tighter BreathingAnd Zero at the Bone - -
Nature / Fear
Exact Rhyme - Sharp ending
Sibilance - creates a 'shh' sound
Constriction in breathing - Hollow numbness
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