

Notas sobre Untitled, criado por sophiestone23 em 12-05-2013.
Notas por sophiestone23, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por sophiestone23 mais de 11 anos atrás

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Storge- affection towards someone/love for animals. Agape- unconditional love-i.e parent and child. Philia- Love of friends and family. Eros- Sexual love


sex within marriage is a good thing: Celebrates joys of sex: idea of mutual partnership and giving yourself to one person. Higllights responsibilty: Thinking of another, rather than just ones needs. Shows commitment: willingess to spend your life with someone. Adds a spiritual dimension. Strengthen the contract between two people- joining of two individuals. Celibate lifestyle- nuns monks are dedicating their lives to God

Some remain celibate til marriage they are CHASTE

Christians find sex outside of marriage i.e having an affair unacceptable. (adultery.)

To remain faithful is a sign of FIDELITY.

Christian views on marriage and sex before marriage: Begins the special relationship between two people. Marriage consists of 1 man and 1 woman. Marriage is a sacrement- a relationship in which God is involved. Sex should take place in marriage. Sex is a gift from God. Casual sex is seen as devaluing sex and the individual. Bringing up children is and an important part of marriage.

Jewish views on marriage and sex before marriage: Begins the contract between two people with Gods blessings. Couple are usually in love before they marry but expect love to develop. Just like Adam and Eve the couple should support each other. Sex is expected to only take place in marriage. Bringing up children is an important part of marriage.

Christian teachings on adultery:sex should not be shared.adulterly is forbidden under the ten commandments.its harmful to the speacial relationship.Not a secure basis for children 

Christian views on adultery: Forbidden under the ten commandments. Sex shouldnt be shared. Not a good basis for children born as a result of fidelity. Partner will feel cheated/rejected. Its wrong because God is involved in the marriage.

Jews views on adultery: The ten commandements ban is: "you shall not commit adultery. Halakhah empahsises that a husband should be sexually considerate towards his wife. Cheating should NEVER happen. Men and woman are most fufilled in a marrige this is known as the kiddushim

Other options rather than marrige: cohabitation. Dont want long term relationship or children. Personal contract of living together. Married to God (nun) Polygamy- more than one wife.

Contraception:should never be used to promote promiscuity or casual sex.

Roman catholic christians: against artifical methods. Withdrawal or the rhythm methods are the only natural methods allowed. 

Protestant Christians:Accept contraception, but are wary of the moring after pill as conception may have already taken place before the pill was taken.

Jews:Accept contraception however dont really like using condoms as they are worried it may reduce sexual pleasure.


MARRIAGE CEREMONIES:CHRISTIAN: lots of preperation i.e; dress food, flowers venue etc. Cermeony takes place in a church or a chapel as marriage is a sacrement and they will want religious elements included i.e: music/hymns bible readings. Exchanging of rings. vows. Prayers Signing of register.

MARRIAGE CEREMONIES JEWS: synangouge (can be open air) cannot take place on sabbath. cermemony help under chuppah Blessings of wine and marriage. exchange rings. sermon from the rabbi signing the ketubah  breaking of the glass wine to show the fragility of marriage and the destruction of the temple.

pressure on marriage: Unemployment. too little time together. children. sexual problems. false hopes alcohol/drugs. religious differences.

When things go wrong: The religious leader can offer help and guidance. community may offer counseling. prayers may be offered to God. booklets and leaflets with religious teachings may be available. older and long married couples may give advice.


CHRISTIANS: Roman catholics dont allow divorce. its the breaking of promises made before God other chrisitans. Think divorce should be avoided and will offer support. Divorce is allowed but remarriage in a church is dependant on the priest. Church of England a blessing service can be offer divorce.

JEWS: Always a last resort. Jewish community will always try to offer help and guidance. Couple both have to get a civil and religious divorce.  In the orthodox tradition, husband gives we divorce she can remarry in 90 days. sometimes might be problems if husband wont give wife divorce.

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