The Spread of The Black Death


Notas sobre The Spread of The Black Death, criado por SaraSullivan07 em 15-05-2014.
Notas por SaraSullivan07, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por SaraSullivan07 mais de 10 anos atrás

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The Black Death started in China in c.1320  and very quickly spread into Europe and other countries via trading routes The Black Death entered Europe through Messina, Italy on a boat with infected humans and rats. The bacteria Yersinia Pestis which caused the Black Death spread through fleas that bit rats infected with the disease. These fleas went on to bite humans and other animals thus spreading the disease further. The plague was  able to travel on boats and carriages because of the rats and fleas which spread it as they could easily travel in the sailors' baggage. This resulted in the plague spreading all along the trade routes, killing tradesmen and towns people which were one the route.

The Spread of the Black Death

The Spread of the black Death


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