The Old Testament


Literature Notas sobre The Old Testament , criado por devibabyy66 em 18-05-2014.
Notas por devibabyy66, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por devibabyy66 mais de 10 anos atrás

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The Hebrew Bible has remained the sacred text of Judaism has inspired to other major world religions Christianity and Islam.Key points to pay attention to are, narrative techniques,  imaging, characterization, and point of view  The most important element running through genesis and the job is a complex ethical concern with how human suffering and prosperity come about and what role God plays in the shaping of human lives.Genesis is probably redacted in the fifth century BCE The first section of recounts creation history The first section talks about God's creation of the world and of humankind in the development of early human society. This early age is marked especially but God anger at humanity  God first expels Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden  he destroys the Tower of Abell which scatters human beings and destroys their single language into many languages. The flight mixes together again the waters that were separated on the second day of creation and destroys almost all the different kinds of animals created on the fifth and six days together with almost all humans.  Noah and his family are the only ones to survive the flood because God favors Noah.

Genesis chapter 2 God planted a garden, Eden,located in the east and put the human there to live .But every tree lovely to look at and good for food in the middle of the garden put the tree of life and the tree of knowledge good and evil. The river that supplies the garden of Eden splits up into four rivers. The rivers are Pishon, Gihon, Tigirs, and Euphrates. God told to human Adam that he could eat every fruit of the garden from any tree except from the tree of knowledge, good and evil God decided that it was not good for human to be alone so puts Adam in a deep slumber. While he was asleep, god took one of his ribs and turned it into a woman. Genesis Chapter 3  The serpent convinced Eve to eat an apple  from the forbidden tree.  God found out that they ate from the forbidden tree because Adam and Eve felt they should hide because they were naked. Eating a fruit from the tree would make them realize good from bad.  God curses the snake. He tells it that it must travel on it's belly and it will eat dust for the rest of its life. God also curses the snake and the woman by being enemies. The snake will bite the heels of her  children and they will "trample" the snake.  The woman is cursed with painful childbirth and her man should rule her.  The man is cursed  as well having to work for his food by growing it from the ground. God said that man can take from the tree of life and live forever since they knew of good and evil God sent Adam to till the soil from where he was born. East of the Garden of Eden a cherubim and flame of the whirling sword to guard the tree of life. Genesis Chapter 4  Eve gave birth to two sons Cain and Abel  Cain was tiller of the soil  Abel herded sheep  Cain offered his best fruits of the soil to God and Abel offered the firsts from his flock to God Abel's offerings were regarded but Cain's offerings were not.  God tells Cain that the choice of sining is tempting but he must get over it  Cain takes his brother Abel into the field and kills him  God finds out that Cain has killed his brother and punishes him. God tells Cain that the soil he tills will no longer be his strength. He curses Cain as a "restless wanderer". God makes sure Cain cannot escape from his punishment by giving him a special marking warning others to not slay him  Cain moved to Nod, located East of the Garden of Eden. There he had a wife who gave birth to a son, Enoch.  Enoch's son was Irad Irad's son was Mehujael  Mehujael's son was Methusael  Methusael's son was Lamech  Lamech had two wives.  His first wife Adah had a son Jabal who was a tent dweller. Her second son was Jubal who played a harp and pipe.  His Second wife Zillah had a son Tubal-Cain who made tools out of copper and iron. Her daughter was Naamah Adam and Eve had another son Seth Seth had a son Enosh 

Genesis chapter one  On the first day, God created light and dark day and night, evening and morning On the second day God created the ocean to sky and the water above the sky is known as rain. The sky is referred to as the heavens. on the third day god created seas and dry land. He planted trees with fruit put forth grass plants yielding seeds On the fourth day  God created the sun and the stars to divide day from night. He treated signs for fixed days Times and years. On the fifth day God created ocean creatures and birds. He told them to procreate and be fruitful. On the sixth day god created  living creatures such as cattle crawling things and wild beasts of god also made a human in his image to control the fish and fowl in the heavens and in the ocean.  On the seventh day God bless the day

Genesis Summary  The greek word for origin or birth is genesis  The men chosen by God are Noah,Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. The first section consists of chapter 1-11 In this section it goes over the history of creation  The history of how God created the world and humankind, and the development of early human society  The early years show how angry god is with humanity. God became angry starting with Adam and eve and slowly became enraged with increasing evilness inhumanity. He destroyed the Tower of Babel and Scott as human beings across the world messing up their single language into many languages. God decided to destroy humanity completely. He mixes together again the waters that were separated on the second day of creation and it destroys almost all of the different kind of animals  created on the fifth and sixth days along with almost all of the humans Noah and his family were favored by God The second part of Genesis concentrates on the stories of four families  Abraham and his wife Sarah,  Isaac and his wife Rebecca,  Jacob and his wives Leah and Rachel,   Jacob and  his brothers The pattern of exile from home  occurs again and again in the book of Genesis and caused explosion of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden why strife between family members especially brothers and the theme of triumph of younger brother over older brother, god's covenant fulfilled nonexistent raise revealing his power and his surpassing of human expectations God himself can be seen as the most vivid and complex character of the book Both men and women are also strikingly vivid characters in the book These people are intense feelings and the relationships with one another and love, hatred, fears, desires are evoked in compelling detail. Jacob and Esau are twins  fighting since birth. 


1  Seven sons are born to job Three daughters were born to Job The Lord thought job was a good man but Satan thought he was only good because nothing bad happened Satan wanted to test Job Sabeans attacked job cattle and donkeys. They also attacked the people guarding the flock with swords Then god's fire fell from the heavens and burned the sheet and the lads that attended them Chaldaeans attached his camels and took them. They also talk to people guarding them with swords Finally a wind struck down the house for all of jobs children were in. All of his kids were killed Was all that happened job did not blame  God

2 God described job to Satan  "there is none like him on earth, a A blameless and upright man, who fears God and shuns evil and still clings to his innocence, and you made me go against him for no reason." Satan said job would only suffer once he feels pain. God said job is in Satan's hands as long as he preserves jobs life. Satan then put a "burning rash from the soles of his feet the crown of his head."  Job's wife told him to curse God and just die. Job still did not offend god with his lips Jobs three companions, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar met with job and agreed to accompany him while he was in pain. They stay with him for seven days and 7 nights and no one spoke a word to job.

3Job began to curse the day he was born, wishing that he had never survived outside of the womb.

4Eliphaz spoke and said that job has helped many people and basically said what you sew you shall reap. He also said what innocent man has died.

5 Anger kills a fool, envy slays the simple God is said to cause pain but he binds the wounds

6 Job still had faith in God to protect him. He said" if God would deign to crush me lose his hands and tear me apart this would still be my comfort." job mention that his brothers ran away in time need.


7Job has been suffering for days. He believes he will soon die and when God will come to see him he should be gone.

8Bildad spoke and said god has done things for reason. He also said that god Will not spurn the blameless nor hold the hand of evildoers




10 Job begins to his life. Job begins to think of what he will say to God.  He will say "do not convict me inform me why you accuse me." He says "you surely know I am not guilty but there is none who saves me from your hand." He basically says that you made me but you turn around and destroyed me. He pleaded that his days were a few let him be. Job wanted some happiness before he died. 



11Zophar said if you did wrong he surely takes note

12 Job leads believes that he is the laughing stock of the blameless just man. Job basically describes how God takes away certain rights from the highest leaders

13 Job wants to dispute with God and talk with Satan Job begins to question God. He believes that he is right and wants to know how many crimes and offenses he has committed



14 everything regenerates but man will not come back from death 

29Job talks about the different situations in which he helped people 

30 the people that job helped did not care for him now that he is in distress. Job becomes the laughing stock and people despise him  Job believes that God will grant him death 

31 Job questions everything that he has done throughout his life and states punishments if he has done those things wrong  end of jobs words 

38God questions Job and basically renders him insignificant to all the good God has done 

39God continues with everything he provides for animals and humans 

42 God faced his wrath on eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar because they did not speak about God the right way like Job did  God made them get 7 bulls and 7 rams each and offer the burnt remains to Job so that Job could pray for their well being  God then restored twice the amount of fortune Job had before when he prayed for his companions. God gave him back his daughters and sons  the people around him went back to Job and comforted him for his pain. They each offered him a coin and a gold ring 

Psalm 8 

The Hebrew Bible Summary

Genesis Chapter 1-4




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