What is HTML


Quick over view on what HTML is and how you can use it.
Notas por wingger, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por wingger mais de 10 anos atrás

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What is HTML

HTML stands for hyper text markup language and is a file format used for displaying files on the world wide web. There are multiple web languages you can code in however this is currently one of the best to start with if you are interested in web development. The reasons behind this is that you can take everything in chunks, start by learning basic HTML and hey presto you can build your very own website after just a few hours of practice; it wont be pretty but it sure will get the job done! In HTML you can add images links, MP4 files and add basic text effects e.g bold underline. After this you can take on CSS and make your webpage more apathetically pleasing  and even add some functionality via java script. If your ready to learn a little HTML then check out HTML for scrubs.       

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