Criado por Chiara Marconato
quase 11 anos atrás
Lactate produced during a sprint is very _____.
What does lactate dissociate into?
What ion drives down the pH in a muscle?
Buffering of H+ by cell proteins prevents....
Cell produces ___ to protect itself and prevent production of more ____.
PFK levels decrease with low __ levels.
What does the Na+/K+ATPase pump do?
Na+/K+ATPase pump ____ with sprint training.
As a sprint increases in duration, there is more involvement of which energy system?
There is no difference in resting ATP concentrations
between the fibre types.
True or false?
There is 3x less PCr than ATP stored at rest in
muscle fibres.
True or false?
What substrates, when depleted, will lead to fatigue?
Acidosis within a muscle may impair the activity of the key glycolytic enzyme
_________. In turn, this results in ____ energy being made available for
the resynthesis of ____.
A good sprinter has more type ___ fibres, greater ____ of muscles and better synchronisation of _______ _____.
Sprinters have a higher intramuscular buffering capacity (through
protein) than an endurance athlete.
True or false?
Citrate Synthase and PFK activities and also VO2
max are improved by what training?
High Intensity Interval Training
The resynthesis of PCr in muscle is an aerobic
process or anaerobic process?
Is the removal of lactic acid an aerobic or anaerobic process?
Why isn't sprint training really sprint training? (repetitive sprinting)
HIIT improves what?
Velocity-Growth curve (boys vs. girls). Explain.
Difference between male/female early maturers.
Hormonal alterations at puberty as a result of testosterone. Give two answers.
Hormonal alterations at puberty as a result of estrogen. Give two answers.
As the onset of puberty hits girls, what slowly decreases?
Anaerobic Power
Boys VO2max increases because of an increase in muscle mass. What happens to girls?
Unlike adults, children will use what energy system when doing a sprint? But they won't produce lots of ____ and therefore recover quickly from high intensity exercise.
Children have lower levels of which enzyme?
Thermoregulation different in adults and children, this means they can gain and lose ____ quickly.
What is menarche?
What are two examples that allow a good foundation of bone growth
Is resistance training in children okay? If yes, what are the specifications (reps/sets etc)
What makes up the female athlete triad?
Is there supported evidence which says there's a certain phase of the menstrual cycle in which women achieve their best performances? What can cause them to underperform?
What makes gymnasts/runners unique in regards to menarche?
Eumenorrhea is...
Oligomenorrhea is...
Amenorrhea is...
Primary Amenorrhea is...
Secondary Amenorrhea is...
Dysmenorrhea is...
Name 5 reasons/potential causes as to why there could be menstrual dysfunction?
Explain the revisited concept of the female athlete triad by the ACSM and the interrelationship between energy availability, bone mineral density and menstrual function.
Energy Availability =
Anorexia Athletica is...
Luteal phase deficiency is...
Exercise-Related Menstrual Irregularities (ERMI)
What percentage of bone mineral is laid down between puberty and 18yrs old?
There is a ______ fracture risk as bone health _______.
Where is there more bone density in the body?
What hormone is essential for females to maintain bone density?
Normal density of bone - T-score =....
Osteopenia is...
Osteopenia T-score = ....
Osteoporosis T-score = ...
Osteoporosis is ...
Established Osteoporosis is ...
Name at least 3 changes associated with normal aging.
Why is the quality of muscle lower in older populations?
Sarcopenia is...
Anabolic resistance means...
Dietary insufficiency in older adults...
If a person has sarcopenia, what are 3 impacts this will have on their body?
When would you commonly see a rapid loss in bone mass?
When there is a decrease in estrogen, bones lose what to the blood?
List 5 benefits of exercise for older adults.
Why would exercising to improve bone health be beneficial in older adults?
Why would you avoid high pressure activities such as sit ups or toe touches in adults with established osteoporosis?
Positive Stress in normal training is...
In how many weeks is it expected to see major training adaptations?
The extent of training adaptations are genetically limited. Explain.
Overtraining leads to...
Overreaching is...
Excessive training is...
Intensity and volume are what?
What happens if both intensity and volume increase?
What nutrient helps resynthesis of glycogen?
List 4 symptoms of overtraining syndrome
What could be a psychological factor of overtraining syndrome?
What could be physiological factors involved with overtraining syndrome?
Sympathetic NS responses to overtraining syndrome?
Parasympathetic NS responses to overtraining syndrome?
Endocrine responses to overtraining syndrome?
Out of cortisol, testosterone and thyroxine, which hormone changes the most during a period of increased training?
What resources can be used to determine overtraining?
Immune responses to overtraining syndrome?
____ exercise will strengthen the immune system, but _____ will decrease it.
Tapering is...
Tapering does not result in _____.
In tapering it is ideal to maintain _____ but decrease ______ by ___%.
Detraining is...
Losses occur during when frequency and duration decrease by ___ of regular training load.
By what % can oxidative enzyme activity decrease by through detraining?
What is the term used to describe the ability to adapt?
Skeletal muscle can be considered ____ in its response to training and detraining?
Cross-innervation means...
What type of training generally results in the movement from type 2B to 2A fibres?
At high speeds of activity, is the gastrocnemius or soleus more likely to be preferentially recruited? Is this the opposite or the same at slow speeds?
Why do type 2B fibres have 4x greater the power output than type 1 fibres?
At the start of a sprint, are fibres recruited gradually or all at once?
If the pennation angle is greater, then...
If the pennation angle is smaller, then...
Plyometrics is what?
What is the purpose of plyometrics training?
With repeated wearing of high heals, what can happen to calf muscles?
Wearing a plaster which encompases both the arm and elbow, the whole arm is immobilised in a 90deg angle for an extended period of time. What can this do to the muscles?
Are the first ~6 weeks of adaptations to training neural or structural?
Early changes in strength, unlike later changes, can be seen by changes in an EMG. This is because...
What is an example of a neural adaptation to strength training?
What is the role of the Golgi Tendon Organs? How are these changed with training?
Why do body builders have a greater % of type 1 fibres over type 2 fibres, in comparison to weight lifters and power lifters?
What relative intensity (% 1RM) is best for optimal hypertrophy?
Hyperplasia is...
Hypertrophy is...
Muscle atrophy is...
Do older adults respond quicker or slower to resistance training?
A loss of creatine phosphate and anaerobic energy capacity are related to a loss in ____.
Muscle protein synthesis in older adults during exercise is _____.
Is it possible to get a shift from type 1 to type 2 fibres or vice versa?
With training, movement is possible within the type 2 fibres. Which way does it most commonly go?
Force is related to the pennation angle of the fibre, true or false?
Type 2B fibres have 4x the power output than type 1 fibres. Why?
Are fibres recruited sequentially or all at once at the start of a sprint?
The greater the pennation angle...
The smaller the pennation angle...
Plyometrics is...
What happens to the calf muscles when high heals are worn excessively?
If an arm is put in plaster at 90deg and immobilised for several weeks, what happens to the skeletal muscle?
What kind of changes are seen within ~ 6 weeks of training in regards to adaptations?
Why will an EMG pick up changes in strength in early adaptations but not later changes?
Myogenic changes in skeletal muscles refers to what?
What kind of changes would you expect with neural changes?
What do the Golgi Tendon Organs do?
Why do bodybuilders have more type 1 than type 2 fibres?
What happens to creatine kinase in the days after a muscle is damaged?
In normal training, is the eccentric or concentric phase substantially underloaded?
DOMS stands for...
How long post-exercise will DOMS occur?
When will DOMS normally occur? (With what kind of movements)
Glycogen depletion is where...
"Repeat-Bout" Effect is...
Optimal force is obtained when...
(to do with cross bridges/length)
Isometric contractions are...
What are the 3 macronutrients?
What are the 2 micronutrients?
What nutrients support high intensity training?
What nutrients support low intensity training?
Mass action means...
What increases mass action during training in heat?
In terms of the cardiovascular system, what will endurance athletes have better of?
In moderate altitude training, hyperventilation performs what kind of action?
Moderate altitude training requires more use of ______ and initiates the release of more ______.
List 4 factors that can inhibit performance.
Hyponatraemia is...
Central fatigue
Peripheral fatigue is...
Monosaccharides are...
Disaccharides are..
How are they formed?
Polysaccharides are...
Is glycogen stored in high concentrations? If so, where?
Sources of carbs in the diet? List 3.
Is a high carb diet or low carb diet better for competition purposes? Why?
Fat can only be burned without O2 (anaerobically). True or false?
What is the rationale behind pre-exercise carb loading?
What is glycemic index?
Do high GI foods appear slowly or rapidly within the blood?
High glycemic foods are beneficial for ____ intensity exercise, and low glycemic foods are beneficial for ____ intensity exercise.
What % of total calories should carbs be to maintain glycogen stores? Is this different for people who do heavy training and endurance athletes?
Time to fatigue and changes in muscle glycogen vary with different intensities
of exercise. True or false?
What are the 4 goals of pre-event intake of CHO?
The two key priorities during prolonged exercise are..
Will intaking CHO during exercise have any effect? If so, what?
Name 3 features of fat cells.
Improved ________ ________in the muscles can
reduce the rate at which _______ _______ is used and it can therefore delay the athlete hitting the wall.
Is it beneficial to undertake a high fat low CHO diet before competition?
Of the 20 amino acids required by the body, how many have
to be gained from the diet?
List 3 things in which Amino Acids and Protein contribute to.
What is Biological Value? (BV)
Where is the majority of fat stored in the body?
What is the recommended intake of protein for endurance athletes per kilo per day?
What is the recommended intake of protein (suggested by WHO) per kilo per day simply to maintain a healthy diet?
Does Whey or Casein have a greater initial rate of protein synthesis?
Casein clots within the stomach. This means the absorption rate is _____.
Whey is soluble, meaning the absorption rate is ______.
Milk is ___ % casein and ___% whey
Casein has a higher leucine content than whey, which means the protein resynthesis is faster. True or false.
What is the suggested protein intake (5-6 times per day) which is best for maximal muscle growth in resistance training?
Sports drinks with more than __% sugar content will ___ the release of fluid from ____ ______.
As the carbs contained in a sports drink ______, fluid intake/reabsorption ______.
Salt does not promote the uptake of water, true or false.
What is the normal concentrations of sodium in the blood?
If someone has hyponatraemia, what is the major concern for the body?
An over consumption of fluids(h20) during exercise can lead to hyponatremia. Why?
What is the approximate time period for recovery from high intensity exercise?
How long post exercise is there a rapid resynthesis of glycogen?
What kind of GI foods are recommended for intake between 0-6 hours post exercise?
What does glycogen synthase do?
When replacing fluids after exercise, what % of fluids lost should be consumed?
How long does it take for the gastrointestinal tract to completely absorb caffeine?
How long post-consumption of caffeine is there a peak plasma (caffeine) concentration?
Everyone responds to caffeine in the same way. True or false?
Caffeine is mainly excreted in urine with a half life of 3
to 5 hours. True or false?
Early research suggested that caffeine mobilised free fatty acids from adipose tissue. How was this beneficial to athletes?
Caffeine may improve calcium homeostasis in muscles and the sarcoplasmic reticulum and/or improve Na + /K + pump
activity. True or false?
What is the function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum?
Why is consuming too much caffeine a problem for athletes?
Where can HMB be found in large concentrations? (B-hydroxy-B-methylbutyrate) Is it essential to the body's nutrient supply?
Would well trained athletes benefit from HMB supplements?
Glycerol is...
Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking soda) causes what?
How does sodium bicarbonate help the muscles?
Explain how H+ can be a limiting factor to performance?
Beta-Alanine supplements...
What is the suggested dose range for Beta-Alanine?
Beetroot juice is high in what?
Nitrate is converted to _____ and further more into _____ ____.
Why is Nitric Oxide good for the body?
Plasma levels peak after approx. _____ following ingestion.
The effective ‘dose’ of nitrate is equivalent to how much beetroot juice?
To be sure that maximal glycogen resynthesis occurs, it's suggested that athletes need to consume ___ CHO/kg/BM per hour, every ___ minutes.
Is Glutamine an Amino Acid?
Where is glutamine the most abundant and where is it produced the most?
Glutamine increases post exercise during the first few hours. True or false?
Glutamine helps to replenish what post workout?
Research has not shown any significant glutamine benefits for athletes through Glutamine supplementation. True or false?
When exercise is considered, and muscle is unable to produce glutamine in sufficient
amounts, what is compromised and suffers as a result?
Where is 95% of creatine found?
What dietary sources can provide creatine?
What is the benefit of creatine monohydrate supplements?
What is the recommended daily dose of creatine monohydrate supplements?
Creatine monohydrate has a water retaining influence on the muscle. What flow on effect does this have?
Erythropoietin is...
Work equation...
Power equation
What is an Anaerobic Work Index Test?
Lactate can be transported to the _____ and transformed into glucose.
Vo2 Max
If you stress the lactate threshold, you will increase it and thus increase performance. True or false?
The lactate threshold is...
What is the benefit of increasing RBC count?
What is the benefit of training in high altitudes?
Borg's Rating of Perceived Exertion
Heart rate is NOT linearly related to exercise intensity. True or false?
Are submaximal predictions as reliable as direct measurements of VO2 max?
What's the YMCA Bicycle Ergometer test?
Age predicted HRMax can be worked out how?
A sinus rhythm of the heart is an irregular HR. True or false?
Where are the 10 different leads placed on the body for an ECG?
What are the standard units of blood pressure?
Which artery in the arm is usually the one used to measure BP?
Korotkoff sounds are...
The first audible heart beat when taking a BP corresponds to what?
As the sounds of the BP come to an end, which phase of BP is this?
Pulse Pressure is...
'Normal' BP is considered what? (?/?)
Mean Arterial Pressure is...
Mean Arterial Pressure equation
Vital Capacity
Restrictive diseases are...
Obstructive Diseases are...
Isometric Strength Test Example - Force produced against an immovable object.
Isoinertial Strength Test Example
With an increase in exercise intensity, _______ normally rises progressively , whilst ______ tends to remain at resting levels or rise/fall slightly.