Criado por jadah Jacobs
mais de 7 anos atrás
Are bases corrosive?
Are acids corrosive?
What does a litmus test tell us?
What is a precipitation reaction?
What does it mean if a substance is soluble?
True or False: Most hydroxides are insoluble.
Define Hydrocarbon
Give the cation and flame colour of - Lithium
Give the cation and the flame colour of - Sodium
Give the cation and the flame colour of - Potassium
Give the cation and the flame colour of - Calcium
Give the cation and the flame colour of - Copper
List the steps of testing for positive ions
State why flame photometry works better
Which ion is this - Fe2+
Which metal ion give out a precipitate color of brown/red
What do you have to do if you have two white precipitates formed?
How do you know if the metal ion is Aluminium or Calcium?
State the chemical equation for copper nitrate mixed with sodium hydroxide
what is the net ionic equation for
Cu (NO3)2 (aq) + NaOH (aq) --> Cu (OH)2 (s) + NaNO3 (aq)
How do you find a net ionic equation?
Explain how you test for carbonates
Explain how you test for sulphates
Explain how you test for halides
What are halogens?
Describe the hydroxide precipitate test for metal cations
state some properties of clay ceramics
define polymer
define monomer
State some properties of polymers
State some properties of some metals
what is 'a mixture of two or more mateials that have opposite properties (to hide weakness)'
Define tensile strength
Define compressive strength
Define nanoparticle
cube-shaped nanoparticle has sides of 20nm. calculate its total surface area, its volume, and surface area to volume ratio
If the total surafce area to volume ratio is higher what does that mean?
What are the uses of nanoparticles dependent on?