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Why is the act of worshiping the cow called as Zulm?
Because Zulm is an evil act that takes their right away from someone so here they fell short in giving Allah swt's right to be worshipped alone.
Because Zulm is an evil act that takes their right away from someone so here they fell short in giving people's rights.
Because they did not treat the cow nicely
What were the bayyinat given to Musa a.s. proof of?
They proved that Musa a.s. was a true messenger of Allah.
The power of Allah and his complete authority over everyone and everything.
That there is no deity worthy of worship besides Allah.
That Musa A.s. could perform miracles on his own.
Give the root words and meanings of the following words: وَرَفَعْنَا وَعَصَيْنَا فَتَمَنَّوُا۟
ر ف ع : to raise ع ص و: disobedience م ن ي : hopes
ر ف ع : to raise ع س و: disobedience ا م ي : hopes
ر ف ء : to raise ء ص و: disobedience م م ن : belief
Yadd is hand and aydee is hands
What is meant by drinking the calf in heir hearts?
They slaughtered the calf and drank its blood.
"They absorbed its love, until its love resided in their hearts.''
They were consumed by their desires so that it prevented them from doing what they were supposed to do.
Their love of sin became greater than the obedience to Allah s.w.t.
Their hearts were full of love for the calf so they were guided by it.
These people did not wish for death because they were aware that they had not sent any good deed before them but they had disbelieved.
Translate: وَٱللَّهُ بَصِيرٌۢ بِمَا يَعْمَلُون
And Allah sees well all that they do.
Allah is well-acquainted with the wrong-doers.
seek ye for death, if ye are sincere.
What is the HIRS of Bani Israel?
They are afraid of losing their blessings.
bani Israel are the most greedy of all people of "life"
Their extreme love for life and hatred for death
They love their prophets.
If a person does not prepare for the hereafter then his love for this life becomes more than the hereafter.
Hadith The worst of you is one whose life is long but his actions are bad but his actions are good but his actions are righteous( but his actions are bad, but his actions are good, but his actions are righteous )