Criado por Joe O'Dwyer
aproximadamente 7 anos atrás
Describe open source software?
Describe closed source software?
Describe off the shelf software?
Describe bespoke software?
Describe shareware software?
Describe freeware software?
Describe embedded software?
Purpose of application software?
Describe productivity software and give some examples?
Describe development tools and give some examples?
What does a compiler do?
What does a debugger do?
What does an assembler do?
What is business software?
What is a Management Information System?
What is a CAD/CAM system?
What is utility software?
Pros and Cons of antivirus?
Pros and Cons of Firewall?
Pros and Cons of a defragmenter?
What is an Operating System?
Examples of tasks that OS completes?
Examples of Operating Systems?
Characteristics of a Single User OS?
Pros and Cons of a Single User OS?
Characteristics of a Multi User OS?
Pros and Cons of a Multi User OS?
What is a single processor OS?
What is a multiprocessor OS?
What is SMS?
Pros and Cons of SMS?
Email is short for what...?
Pros and Cons of Email?
What is messaging software with some examples?
Pros and Cons of Social Media?
What is VoIP?
Pros and Cons of VoIP?
What are Personal Assistants?
Pros and Cons of Personal Assistants?
What is teleconferencing?
Pros and Cons of teleconferencing?
What is videoconferencing?
Pros and Cons of videoconferencing?
Pros and Cons of Cellular/Satellite communication?
What is Instant Messaging?
Pros and Cons of Instant Messaging?
What is a semantic error?
In which scenario will software completely freeze?
What is another self-preservation technique often used by systems?
What should be done first to try fix a software problem?
What else should be done to aid the identification of software problems?
What are protocols?
What is TCP/IP?
Responsibility of TCP?
Responsibility of IP?
What do the different parts of the IP address represent?
What is UDP?
What is SMTP?
What is FTP?
What is HTTP?
What is SNMP?
What is ICMP?
What is POP?