Used to estimate the transparency of seawater, and can provide a relative measure of productivity or turbidity
Secchi disk
Gravity core
Neuston net
Unoccupied, highly maneuverable underwater robots operated by a person aboard a surface vessel
Nansen Bottle
Secchi Disk
Remotely operated underwater vehicle
Samples a wide variety of ocean and fresh water sediment. Designed to take samples in ooze, Clay, sand, gravel, and pebbles on flat or gently sloping bottoms
Trawl Net
Drip Net
Shipek Grab
A device used to measure the salinity of liquids and solutions
Drift Bottle
Dip Net
Used to analyze grain size composition
Sediment Sieves
Current meter
Measures ocean currents
Wire leads through an electro-magnetically metered wheel attached to a J-frame to track the amount of wire that has been used to lower equipment into the ocean
SpongeBob continues underwater bullying attacks
Self contained underwater breathing apparatus
A drill used to collect a long tube of sediment
Uses sound waves and computer imaging to get a picture of the ocean floor
Side Scan Sonar
Uses gravity and microwave radio, timing the interval between transmitting a short pulse and receiving a reflection back from the sea surface, to map the ocean floor
A battery-powered, giant radio
Side scan sonar
A small submersible submarine (and the name of one of The Chipmunks)
a satellite
Who built elaborate canoes to carry supplies and developed a navigation system based on the position of the stars?
Charles Darwin
Christopher Columbus
Captain James Cook
This person noticed that ships travelling against water currents took longer to return and was the first person to map the Gulfstream
Benjamin Franklin
Albert Einstein
Developed the theory of coral reef formation and atolls (ring-shaped coral reefs) & origin of species while sailing on the HMS Beagle
Inventor of diving devices and scuba devices such as the Aqua-Lung
Jacques Cousteau
James Cameron
The ship that discovered the Mariana Trench in 1875
HMS Beagle
Santa Maria
HMS Challenger
Polynesian stick charts were used to:
Map islands
Map ocean currents
Navigate the seas
All of these
Before the 1800's, Edward Forbes stated that the abundance and variety of marine life decreased with increasing depth. This theory was known as:
Challenger Deep Theory
Theory of the Origin of the Species
Azoic Theory
Place a check next to each of the 5 principle oceans.
Atlantic Ocean
Carribbean Ocean
Titanic Ocean
Arctic Ocean
Pacific Ocean
Antarctic / Southern Ocean
European Ocean
Indian Ocean
Chilean Ocean
How and why ocean currents flow and air-sea interactions such as the generation of waves by wind, is what type of Oceanography?
Study of rock structure in the ocean basin, properties of rocks such as magnetism and the occurrence of earthquakes is what type of Oceanography?
Studying organisms that live in the ocean and their relationship to the environment is what type of Oceanography?
Studying the composition of sea water and the processes controlling and altering its composition, including marine pollution, is what type of Oceanography?
What is Oceanography?
The study of all the organisms that live within the ocean
The application of science to the study of phenomena in the oceans
The study of fisheries and fishery-control techniques
The study of submarines and other underwater vessels
What percentage of the Earth's surface is covered by oceans?
Oceanography can be used to predict the weather and show weather patterns.
The study of Oceanography is needed to maintain our food supply from fisheries.
The Atlantic Ocean is the largest of the 5 oceans.
The Challenger Deep is located near Chili in the Pacific Ocean.