Criado por Maddy Bazzoni
aproximadamente 7 anos atrás
Frames vs Lenses
Postmodernist approaches
Postmodernist approaches
Mapping the 8 theories
Mapping the 8 theories (part 2)
Mapping the 8 theories (part 3)
Mapping Theories (part 4)
Mapping Theories (part 5)
Political Realism = Hazard
Political Realism
Morghentau's archimedean point
Waltz's archimedean point
Classical vs Structural Realist
Human Nature
Power as means
Security Dilemma
Evil, something you do, or smt you are?
Realists goals
Origin of IR
IR modern science
Is Idealism an Illusion?
Idealism for peace
Anglo - American Dominance in IR
Paris Peace Conference
Bertrand Russell
IR as a science take two
Beyond the realist carictures of realism
When was American IR theory born?
American Parochialism
Hegemonic Stability
American Social Science
American Values
Thinking's origin
English School
Founding Figures
English School Today
English School Matter?
How does IR consider ES?
Bull vs Wight
Carr founding father of ES?