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Who are the target users for BOAO, MS Powerpoint?
Business Users
Data Analyst
SAP BW Consultants
Use Cases for Analysis for Powerpoint
Distribution of Analysis (Slide deck building)
Distribution of Analysis (Workbookbuilding)
Analysis for Powerpoint have the same functionality as Analysis for Excel
Analysis Powerpoint does not have a Design Panel
Available features in Analysis for Powerpoint ribbon
Insert Data Source, Refresh All, Prompts, Filter, Sort, Hierarchy, Measures, Members, Totals, Chart, Info field, Fit Table, Move to, Smart Copy/ Smart Paste, Properties
Insert Data Source, Refresh All, Prompts, Filter, Sort, Hierarchy, Measures, Members, Totals, Chart, Info field, Move to, Smart Copy/ Smart Paste, Properties
Insert Data Source, Refresh All, Prompts, Filter, Sort, Hierarchy, Measures, Members, Totals, Chart, Info field, Fit Table, Move to, Design Panel, Smart Copy/ Smart Paste, Properties
Insert Data Source, Refresh All, Prompts, Filter, Sort, Hierarchy, Measures, Members, Totals, Chart, Info field, Fit Table, Move to, Copy/ Paste, Properties
Which Settings are available in Analysis for Powerpoint?
User Settings (Maximum number of Entries in Recent List, Maximum number of Members displayed in Filter Dialog)
User Settings (Maximum number of Entries in Data source List, Maximum number of Members displayed in Filter Dialog)
Advanced Settings (Show Access Mode for Member Display, Allow client and Language Selection for SSO Logon)
Advanced Settings (Show Access Mode for Member Display, Allow all time-dependent hierarchies to be displayed in Design panel)
Platform Settings (Preferred Platform, Show Access Mode for Member Display, Replace system)
Platform Settings (Preferred Platform, Replace system)
Support Settings (Folder for Log file, Log Severity, Enable BW Server Tracing, Enable Workbook Profiling, Enable Client Profiling, Display Technical Name, Enable NCO Tracing, Show suppressed Messages)
Available Properties to configure for the entire presentation
Refresh Workbook on Opening
Refresh Presentation on Opening
Force Prompt for Initial Refresh
Store Prompts with Presentation
Store Prompts with Workbook
Remove Data before Saving
Merge Variables
When you smart paste a crosstab or a chart from a current navigation state in Excel to Analysis for Powerpoint, the objects paste in Powerpoint exist dependently to the objects in Excel
What are the options available in using Fit Table feature?
Split Table
Fit Table
Abbreviate Table
Hide Table
What is the maximum number of rows per slide in Analysis for Powerpoint?
If the number of total rows has changed, slides are created and/or deleted based on the changes when it is data refreshed.
Which options of Fit table would you use if you want to truncate data from the Dimension at row N and display "..." indicating the users that there is more data but they are hidden.
In Abbreviating table, Sorting will not affect the display of data
If you turn a split table into an abbreviation table, one or more slides are added.
You have the option to delete existing slides via Fit Table Dialog
If a table is split across multiple slides and one or more slides is manually deleted, the lost slides are replaced on refresh.
You may change the display order of the slides from a split table. But when you refresh the data it will be back from the initial order
What are the following available options for info field in Analysis for Powerpoint?
Presentation name
Key date
Data Source name
Last Data update
Effective Filters
Which of the following are true statements about Info field in Analysis for Powerpoint?
Any manual user edits are overwritten when refreshed
Any manual user edits are retained when refreshed
Info fields are language-independent
Info fields are refreshed when the slide deck is refreshed
Info Fields are inserted into the slide as groups
Info Fields consist of a label and a value which can be broken if you choose
Info Fields consist of a label and a value which cannot be broken
Available Platforms in Saving Platforms
SAP BI Platform
SAP Netweaver Platform
SAP Lumira Cloud
SAP BW Server
When you have a data source with numerous rows you can use the Fit Table feature to break the result into multiple slides
If a table is split across multiple slides and one or more of the slides is manually deleted, the lost slides cannot be recovered.
It enables application designers to create analysis applications and dashboards based on SAP Netweaver BW, SAP Hana, and Universe data sources, for web and mobile devices
Crystal Reports 2016
Design Studio
Information Designer Tool
Which of the following are the true statements about Design Studio?
Drag & Drop Visualizations and Controls: Tables, Charts, Geo Map, Filters etc.
Personalized Online Composition for End-Users
Standard Apps for Analysis, Planning, Data Exploration, Self-Service
State of the Art HTML5 Rendering & Mobile Support
Rapid Prototyping with Offline Data (CSV)
Full OLAP & Planning Support, Dashboards
Access Enterprise Data Sources: BW, HANA, UNX, ESP Event Streaming
Ad hoc analysis and reporting tool for business users with or without access to BI platform
Windows based report design tool used to create powerful stuctured reports
Statistical Analysis and data mining solution that enables you to build predictive models to discover hidden insights and relationships
Deployment Options for Design Studio Applications
BI Platform
SAP Netweaver
HANA Native
Which of the following are true about Deploying Design Studio Application on BI Platform?
Available as of Design Studio 1.1
Available as of Design Studio 1.0
BI 4.0 SP5 or BI 4.1 SP0 as the prerequisite
BI 4.4 SP1 or BI 4.7 SP0 as the prerequisite
Applications are stored on BI Platform
Applications are stored on BI Platform then transported to SAP Netweaver
Transportation via Promotion
Transpoted through TLOGO
Connections through CMC, able to connect to multiple SAP BW and SAP HANA systems
Which of the following are true statements about Deploment Options for SAP Netweaver?
Available as of Design studio 1.1
Available as of Design studio 1.0
BW 7.3 SP9, BW 7.31 SP7 or BW 7.4 SP2 as the pre-requisite
BW 4.0 SP5, BW 4.1 SP0 or BW 7.31 SP7 as the pre-requisite
Applications are stored on SAP BW
Can only connect to one BW System
Can connect to multiple BW System and HANA systems
Mobile Solution: Portal on Device
Which of the following are true about Deploying Design Studio Application on HANA Native?
Available as of Design Studio 1.5
Available as of Design Studio 1.3
HANA 1.0 revision 90+
HANA 1.1 revision 90+
Applications are stored in HANA repository
Applications are stored in BW repository
Direct native connectivity to HANA's Information Access Service (INA) via Firefly
Direct native connectivity to HANA's Data Access Service (INA) via Firefly
Which of the following are true statements about the Local Mode in Design Studio?
This option can be used for end-user use and for demo or quick prototyping
Only for demo or quick prototyping
Direct Connection to backend data sources. Uses local SAP logon.ini file & ODBC HANA connection info
Direct Connection to backend data sources and to HANA's Information Access Service (INA)
Design Studio Java Application runtime runs locally on laptop or PC
Which of the following Platform strategy is recommended by SAP?
SAP recommends to deploy Design Studio on the BW Platform
SAP recommends to deploy Design Studio on the BI Platform
SAP recommends deploying Design Studio on the SAP Netweaver
SAP recommends deploying Design Studio on HANA Native
How would you change the the startup mode from a Local mode to BI Platform?
Choose tools → Preferences → Select SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform
Choose Settings→ Preferences → Select SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform
Choose Application→ Preferences → Select SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform
In choosing BI platform or Netweaver as the startup mode, you can still decide to log on locally by clicking the SKIP. The design tool starts in local mode.
Which of the following can you do on the Welcome page of Design Studio?
Watch most recent tutorials
Create new application
Delete an existing application
Open an existing application through Recently-used Analysis application
Open Useful Links
Create Tutorials
You can create a new Design Studio Application via
Application menu
Storage location of Design Studio Application deployed on BI Platform
Favorites or Public Folder on BI Platform Server
BW -ABAP Server
HANA Repository
How to use the "New Application" Dialog
Enter a unique name for your application → Choose rendering type: SAPUI5 or SAPUI5m → Choose template → Create
Enter a unique name for your application → Choose rendering type: SAPUI5 or SAPUI5m → Choose template → Add
Enter a unique name for your application → Choose rendering type: SAPUI5 or SAPUI5m → Choose template → Choose Query → Create
Enter a unique name for our application → Choose rendering type: SAPUI5 or SAPUI5m → Choose template → Create → Query Panel → Choose Query → Add
Which of the following are main screen elements of Design Studio?
Which of the following are the possible additional views on Design Studio?
Additional Properties
Script problems
Script Editor
Search Results
Conversion Log
Design Studio Sources for a Data Source Object
SAP BW (Query, Query view, InfoProvider)
SAP HANA (Analytic View, Calculation View)
Universe (Relational and OLAP)
Universe (Relational)
SAP BW (Query, Query view)
Restrictions for Universes as Data Source of a Design Studio Application
Must be BI Platform 4.1 to access universe as data source
Must be BI Platform 4.2 to access universe as data source
Universe should be relational universe, single-source universe, or multi-source relational universes
The result set has a fixed limit of 20,000 rows or 200,000 data cells
The result set has a fixed limit of 200,000 rows or 200,000 data cells
Ways on how to create a new Data Source
Application menu → Add Data Source
Right-click Data Sources in the Outline tab of the design tool → New
Copy and Paste from another Design Studio Application or within Application
Copy and Paste from another Reporting tool
Use of interoperability features of Analysis Office or Analysis OLAP
Which of the following allows you to modify initial state of any data source?
Initial View dialog box
Data Source settings dialog box
Components settings dialog box
Layout dialog box
Which of the following are the options to add components to an Application?
Drag and Drop into preview area
Drag and Drop into Layout folder of the Outline view
Drag and Drop into Components area
Right-click to a component → add to Layout folder
Which of the following are not true about Layout Properties and Docking behavior in Design Studio?
Each component is always bound to its surrounding borders, borders of application or a surrounding object
Each component is sometimes bound to its surrounding borders, borders of application or a surrounding object depending on the settings
For each axis, three values have to be specified, and one of these three values is always defined as auto
For each axis, three values have to be specified, and one of these three values is always defined as 0
Use Maximize Component button to define width/height as auto and the margins as auto
Use Maximize Component button to define width/height as auto and the margins as 0
Which of the following are true about Aligning and Distributing components in layout?
Only the Analytic components can be aligned and distributed
All type of components can be aligned and distributed
Components within the same container or under the same root can be aligned and distributed
Components can be automatically maximized
Alignment and Distribution can be done via context menu in layout or per buttons on the Design studio menu
Ways on how to assign Data source to a component
Drag the data source from the Data Sources folder and drop it into the corresponding component in the Layout Folder in the Outline view
Drag the data source from the Data Sources folder and drop it into the corresponding component in the Layout Folder in the Properties view
Drag the data source from the Data Sources folder and drop it into the corresponding component in the design area of the tool
Select Data Source in the Data Source property of the component
Select Data Source in the Application property
Basic Components includes
Chart Type Picker
Checkbox and Checkbox Group
Filter Line
Date Field
Geo Map
Dropdown box
Fromatted Text view
Analytic Components includes
Dimension Filter
Filter Panel
Info field
Container Components include
Grid Layout
Page number
Navigation Panel
Split Cell Container
Merge Cell Container
This type of component is used to optimize an application for a mobile device and enable specific motion gestures in mobile applications
This type of component is used to enable navigation and user interaction at runtime, enhance the design and layout of the application
The ❌ displays multi-dimensional data in a grid with analytic functions.
Which of the following is not true about Crosstab component in Design studio?
You can enable/disable navigation functions like hierarchical navigation, sorting, column resizing function
Exceptions defined in SAP BW backend or in Analysis Office can be activated in crosstab setting
Exceptions are not supported in Design Studio
Context Menu available and can be adjusted
RRI is supported
Feeding Panel is not compatible with Charts, only with Info Charts.
With the info Chart component, you could assign only crosstab rows and columns. With Chart component, each dimension can be assigned a different axis independently.
Which of the following can you do with the Navigational Panel?
Configure whether key figures should be included in filter line
You let end-users navigate via drag and drop (dimensions and measures)
Quick access to dimension and measures via search bar
Option to pause refresh
Measures and Dimension are shown in one area only to simplify view
Measures can be shown separately
The order of dimensions in a Navigational Panel can be determined in runtime
Drag and Drop from Navigational Panel to Crosstab is a default setting in Application property
The Filter Panel component can be used for ❌
Which of the following are true about Filter Line component
Horizontal filter area
Vertical filter area
End-users can easily select filter criteria and filter values
Application designers can configure whether key figures should be included in filter line
Configuration by properties, no scripting is required
Application designers can configure whether dimensions should be included in filter line
Which of the following is true about Dimension Filter?
Application designer can decide to enable "Filter only", "Navigation only" or both
Member display could be defined as text, key, or both
Dimension name could be shown or hidden
Ranges are able to be defined in addition to multiple selection of members
Specify other data sources as target
Specifies the dimension to be filtered
Design studio generates a generic prompt screen if prompts are defined ❌ and do not have a valid default value in the Data source or the Application is set to "Force prompts on Startup"
Grid layout is used to group and order the content of an application and is displayed at runtime
The ❌ component enables the user to switch between different views of an application.
Pages are shown in the outline view
If you use Pagebook component in the layout editor, the system automatically creates one page for the Pagebook.
If you want to add further pages on a Pagebook component, use the content menu of the Pagebook in the Outline view and ❌
Pagebook component are compatible with any browser types/versions and capable to display the transition effects correctly.
❌ is used to group and order the content of your application in tabs. You can also use it to enable user interaction within the application.
Application designer must add a script to the tabstrip to enable interaction within the application. The script is triggered when the user selects one of the tabs on the tabstrip
With the ❌, you can specify which tab should be displayed initially. The Index starts with 0, which means the first tab is Index = 0.
❌ is used to group other components in your application. This is a very simple container component.
The components nested in the Panel are positioned ❌ to the Panel and not to the Application border.
❌ helps users to quickly enter information, perform configurations or make selections. In addition, it can also be useful for displaying more specific data for a selected item.
You can only put texts component into a popup
Which of the following are the restrictions of using Popup component?
Popup can only be nested in the root layout and not within another container
Popup can only be nested in the container and not within root layout
Popup can only be positioned relative to the root layout
Popup can only be positioned relative to another container
Popup can only be positioned linear to another container
Popup component is set to visible by default
Working with Design Studio Applications provides Multi language support
❌ to add translations centrally
This component is used to add text to your application. Text can be formatted with Style Property and use of one the predefined styles out of the selected theme
Formatted Text View
Text Component
Text pool
This component is used to enable the user to apply text formatting within one control.
Formatted Text Pool
Which of the following is true about Data Bound Component Properties
You can bind dropdown, List boxes to master data
You can bind text elements to measure values
Scripting is required to trigger functions when the user selects the component
No scripting is required
Bind CSS style to measure value conditions (e.g. for conditional highlighting)
How would you bind a text component to a cell value?
Select the text property → Click on the Binding Icon → Choose the Select Data icon → Select the Data Source → Click in the cell you want to use as source → OK
Select the text property → Click on the Binding Icon → Choose the Select Data icon → Select the Data Source → OK
Select the text property → Click on the text Icon → Choose the Select Data icon → Select the Data Source → Click in the cell you want to use as source → OK
How would you bind Listbox and Define Filtering?
Enable the Source settings → Define the Data Binding → Define the Target settings
Enable the Data Binding → Define the Source settings → Define the Target settings
Enable the Data Binding → Define the Target settings → Define the Source settings
Scorecard is recommended to be used with dynamic data sources and data sources with free multidimensional navigation (slice and dice)
The ❌ is designed for use in dashboards and reports with controlled visualization content and restricted navigation possibilities.
Auto Generation of Scorecard analyzes fully any specialties of the data source.
Steps to create a Scoreboard
Add Scoreboard to the Application → Assign a Data source → Define the row scope → Define Columns and Group Headers
Add Scoreboard to the Application → Assign a Crosstab → Define the row scope → Define Columns and Group Headers
Add Scorecard to the Application → Assign a Data source → Define the row scope → Define Columns and Group Headers
Add Scorecard to the Application → Assign a Crosstab → Define the row scope → Define Columns and Group Headers
The ❌ define how many or how detailed your data is presented in the Scorecard
Interoperability between Analysis Office and Design studio
Smart Copy/Smart Paste
Create Web Application
Create Design Studio Application
Which of the following are true statements about Smart Copy ?
It copies the navigation state of a single or multiple Data Sources into the clipboard
It copies the navigation state of a single Data Sources into the clipboard
Data Source is added in Design Studio via Smart Copy
Data Source is added in Design Studio via Smart Paste
Visualization is created automatically
No Visualization is created in Design Studio automatically
If you want to use the "Create Web Application" Function in Analysis, the button needs to be activated in the ❌
Which of the following Analysis components can be transferred to Design studio?
Data Source
Charts such as Pie, Line, Column, Bar, Surface, Radar, Bubble and Scatter
Charts such as Pie, Line, Column, Bar, Waterfall, Radar, Bubble and Scatter
You can used Create Web Application even when the Design Studio is open
Script to manually add Export to Lumira option to any application: DS_1.export(❌);
The Generic Analysis Template has no data source assigned by default. The users execute it and then assign a data source at runtime. This means the template remains generic and independent of the data source.
Which features are available in Ready to Run: Online Composition?
Overview page to see all composition
Create, Edit, Delete, Open and Share Composition
Global Filters for composition
Overview page to see all Global Filters
Create, Edit, Delete Composition
Which features are available in Ready to Run: Data Exploration & Visualization App?
Use RRI interface
Visualize several datasources and display them in one story
Visualize with only one data source and display them in one story
Share a PDF export of a story and URL link to the story
New Info Charts and Feeding Component
Custom Measures and Top N Filters
Define your Template Folders: ❌ → Application Templates
Export the Application you want to use as new Template: ❌
Which CSS attributes are supported for both desktop browser and iPad/iPhone application?
font size
font color
weight (bold)
style (italic)
text decoration (underline)
text decoration (strikethrough)
The scripts are executed on the ❌ (unlike JavaScript that is executed in the Web browser)
Script Statement Types
call statements
conditional execution statements
assignment statements
calling statements
exception execution statements
Call statement Sytanx : ❌
It offers content assistance.
CTRL + ?
BI Types: Design studio needs to know what type a parameter has. Which of the following is not included in BI Types?
None of the above
Application methods to analyze the general behavior of your Design Studio application
log, alert, createErrorMessage, createWarningMessage, createInfoMessage
log, alert, createErrMessage, createWarningMessage, createInfoMessage
log, alert, createErrorMsg, createWarningMsg, createInfoMsg
Plug-ins that are included in SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office for both Excel and Powerpoint
Live Office
Data Manager
BOAO is for multidimensional analysis of OLAP sources
The edition of SAP BusinessObjects Analysis for OLAP is accessed in ❌
In what cases do we use Analysis, edition for MS Office?
Building MS Office Content in Excel & Ppt
Ad hoc Data Analysis in Excel
Consuming pre-defined BI Content in Excel and Ppt
Sophisticated workbook design that uses VBA APIs and so on
None of the Above
Exploring and Visualizing pre-defined BI Content
Three user profiles in SAP BOAO
Workbook Creator
Data Modeling Analyst
SAP BW Consultant
What do you call on a new inserted sheet in Analysis?
Analysis Sheet
Workbook sheet
For Microsoft Powerpoint, you can add data sources with Analysis plug-in only
Info fields are available in BOAO both excel and ppt
We can access Analysis in MS Excel through
MS 2007, analysis options are available via File → Analysis
MS 2007, analysis options are available via MS Office button
MS 2010, Analysis options are available in the ribbon tab under File → Analysis
Which panel in BOAO is used to create views of your data, to find information on the used data sources and the components on your workbook?
Analysis Design Panel/Design Panel
Information Panel
Analysis Panel
Components Panel
What happens when working with the Design panel?
The crosstab is updated after each navigation step
The crosstab is updated before and after each navigation step
The crosstab cross checks the data on BEx query
The crosstab creates, updates, and deletes data after each navigation step
This is where we view the available fields for a single data source and the fields currently used in a crosstab
Analysis tab
Components tab
Analysis Design tab
Information tab
This is where we find the information about a data source or the entire workbook and used filters and variables.
Info Fields
We cannot display information of a data source and entire workbook through drag and drop of information fields in the information tab
When using components tab for setting preferences, which is the highest node for the available components?
Workbook Settings
Data Source Settings
Crosstab Settings
Default Settings
Which of the following are the three tabs in the design panel?
If HANA is implemented, what are the two additional data sources for Analysis?
local providers
composite providers
Remote Providers
Virtual Providers
If Analysis tab does not appear, the Analysis Add-in can be manually enabled.
Which of the following is true about break hierarchies?
Members are sorted independently of the hierarchy
The data is converted to a flat list
Result sets are reduced with focus on the most important data
Result set are color coded
If you open the Filter by Measure dialog box from a measure cell, the options such as definition is applied to a selected dimension, to all dimensions or to the most detailed dimension in your analysis are available
Dimensional Hierarchies that are created or imported in SAP BW are called Characteristic Hierarchies
Display hierarchies and dimensional hierarchies cannot be used in parallel
When using multiple queries in a workbook, you can open the prompt dialog by Data Source or by Query
Which of the following are performed for general settings in the Conditional Formatting dialog?
Choose the format option
Assign a name to the specific conditional formatting
Choose the measure for the conditional formatting
Format the filter components
It is not possible to restrict conditional formatting to specific area or member selection
You can delete all user-defined style sets and all that are installed with the Add-in.
Since styles are workbook-specific, you cannot import or export them
Which of the following can be used to supplement a crosstab?
Dynamic Charts
Filter Components
Dimensional Hierarchies
A waterfall chart can be used to show how an initial value is affected by a series of intermediate positive or negative values
Filter Functions can be used for which of the following?
Display Dynamic Filters
Display Static Filters
Display Effective Filters
Display User Filters
You can access User, Advanced, Platform, and Support settings via File → Analysis → Settings
The Design Studio enables application designers to create analysis applications and dashboards for browser and mobile devices on top of BW and SAP HANA data sources
You cannot use VBA to read values from cells in worksheets
When you have a data source with numerous rows you can use Fit Table feature to break the result into multiple slides
If a table is split across multiple slides and one or more of the details is manually deleted, the lost slides cannot be recovered
Columns and Rows in BOAO contain either measures or dimensions
BOAO must be installed on local machine. What are the available platforms and data sources?
SAP BW system
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform
For the installation of Analysis, what components should be installed first?
MS Office (Excel and Powerpoint)
MS .NET Framework 4.5 Redistributable Package for BIBO 4.1 Platform
MS .NET Framework 4.5 Redistributable Package for BIBO 4.3 Platform
Which applications can be used for accessing Analysis views?
Crystal Reports for Enterprise
How can you access the Analysis client for Excel?
Start → All Programs → SAP Business Intelligence → SAP BusinessObjects Analysis → Analysis for MS Excel
Start → All Programs → SAP Business Warehouse → SAP BusinessObjects Analysis → Analysis for MS Excel
Excel icon → Analysis Ribbon in Excel
How do you manually enable and disable Analysis Client?
File → Options → Add-ins → Next to Manage, Select Com Add-ins → Choose Go → Select Analysis → OK
File → Settings → Add-ins → Next to Manage, Select Com Add-ins → Choose Go → Select Analysis → OK
Cannot be done
File → Options → Analysis Add-ins → Next to Manager, Select Com Add-ins → Choose Go → Select Analysis → OK
What are the main data sources for Analysis?
BW Queries
HANA views
Query views
Relational connection
These are pre-analyzed data that implement business logic
Analysis views
An area in which new models can be created based on a central data provider (e.g. Multiprovider) from BW and local data
BW Workplace
BW Workspace
BW Modeler
BW Workbench
These are tables in HANA that can be created from a flat file which can be added to a workbook as a data source
Local Provider
Composite Provider
Virtual Provider
Hybrid Provider
Combination of all the data that you want to view in your query
Local Providers
Local Composite Provider
This can be used to view data in Analytic and other views for complex scenarios
A calculation view
A formula view
A conditional view
a data tables made up of row and column axis (report axis)
Analysis crosstab
Data Table
Query Table
In Default view in Crosstab, the Default view of all BW sources should be
as in BEx
as defined by Query View
measures in the columns, aggregated over all dimensions
BEx Query Designer
Refreshing the data source will update your analysis with the changes
You can build an entire report by using Analysis tab
Areas in Analysis Tab
Explorer area
Field Explorer area
Rows/Columns area
Background filter
Filter member area
Configure Display for Members in BOAO
Select a dimension header → choose Members display menu → select the desired option (text, key, text and key, key and text)
Select a dimension header → choose Measures display menu → select the desired option
Select a column header → choose Measures display menu → select the desired option (Number format, Show SF, Currency Translation, General Format)
Comments in BOAO will be deleted when we changed the view on your data
In jumping to all targets using RRI, what would you use?
With sorting in BOAO, if you sort values of one measure, the other cells in your crosstab are also affected
Filtering members is a dynamic action because the members you have removed from your analysis remain excluded unless change the filter criteria and include them again
Ways on how to Filter by Member
Sort icon
Filter icon
Via context menu
Dragging elements to background filter
What are the filter options in the Filter icon?
Filter by Members
Filter by Measure
Select All Members
Supress Zeros on Rows and on Columns
Filter other members
Filter by Member is the only method in Analysis for Powerpoint
You can filter on hierarchy nodes. In filtering hierarchy nodes, You cannot display leaves only but you can display the entire Hierarchy
Which of the following are the Access Mode in Filter by member?
Read mode
Posted Values in the InfoProvider
Posted data in the current navigational state
Filter on Values in Master Data
Update mode
Write mode
Types of selection in filtering
With filtering by measures, you can define one or multiple rules (parameters) to filter the data of your analysis and not affecting the total or subtotals in your analysis
With filter by Measure, we can restrict all dimensions to top N independently
How would you exclude members that are not displayed in your analysis in totaling?
Totals → Calculate Total As → Only displayed values
Totals → Only displayed values
Totals → Calculate Total As → Sum
Totals → Calculate Total As → Sum of Displayed values
Which of the following are true about working with BEx conditions in Analysis?
BEx conditions correspond to a filter by measure
BEx conditions can be defined for a query created in BEx Query Designer
BEx conditions can be defined for a query view created in BEx tools such as BEx Web Analyzer
BEx conditions can be defined for a workbook created in BEx Analyzer
Inserting a query view with conditions in Analysis recognize activated and deactivated conditions as BEx conditions and displayed as filter by measure
BEx conditions from a workbook created in BEx Analyzer can be activated and deactivated before workbook conversion
How would you activate and deactivate conditions as BEx Conditions in Analysis?
Filter icon → BEx Conditions
Filter icon → Filter by measure
Filter icon → Filter by member
Your customer wants to create new measures in your analysis without changing the query definition
Create new measure based on Simple Calculation
Create new measure based on Math Calculation
Create new measure based on Dynamic Calculation
Create new measure based on Free-Form Calculation
Create Restricted Measure for HANA Data sources
With Dynamic Calculation, we use two or more available measures
Where can you specify whether all time-dependent hierarchies for a dimension should be available or only the hierarchy for a selected date?
In settings, select Advanced Settings
In Analysis ribbon, select Hierarchy
In Design panel, select Hierarchy
How to expand node to Level
Select a member cell of the dimension → Via context menu → expand node to level
Select a member cell of the dimension → Hierarchy drop down option in the menu → expand node to level
Select a member cell of the dimension → choose Hierarchy Show level → select the level → OK
Select a member cell of the dimension → Hierarchy menu → Show levels
Hierarchy totals can be displayed at the top or the bottom of the crosstab. When you choose Expand Upwards (Rows), the totals will be displayed at the bottom
In sorting with hierarchy, the members of the hierarchy are sorted within their groups by default unless you use Break Hierarchies
What do you call this option in which you can display multiple dimensions hierarchically without using dimensional hierarchy?
Compact display in rows or columns
Runtime/Display Hierarchy
What should be set in order for a variable to be editable in the prompting dialog?
It must be input-ready
set to Manual Input in the Query Designer
it must not be input-ready
set to automatic Input in the Query Designer
Saved variable values in a workbook
Variable values
Prompt values
The use of the operators in prompts, such as =, >=, [], *, ![], must be enabled in the registry by your IT administrator
When you have multiple queries in a workbook, what options are available to open the prompt dialog?
Open prompt dialog by workbook to see all variables
Open prompt dialog by data source to see variables for a specific query
Open prompt dialog by all query to see all variables
Open prompt dialog by sheet to see variables for a specific query
We can define variant for a query or for a document (workbook or presentation) and for a user-specific or global variant.
We can create multiple variants and multiple active variants.
Working with document variant is document mode. What is working with query variant?
data source mode
query mode
query source mode
query view
On what tab in Design panel would you see the Merge Variables?
Design tab
What authorization object must be maintained in the Netweaver server so that the user can create variant?
In data source mode, the context menu for prompts is only available if workbook property Merge Variables is selected unlike in document mode
In data source mode, Workbook property Merge Variables is selected when a new query is inserted so you don't have to select Merge Variables again
You can select various workbook properties on the Components tab in the Design panel that does not affect the behavior of the prompting dialog and existing prompt values.
To configure workbook properties, be sure to select the crosstab or the name of the data source on the Components tab
Which of the following options can be selected for workbook properties on the Components tab?
Refresh workbook on Opening
Store prompts with Workbook
Merge variables
Update Data on Opening
Remove Data Cells before Saving
You can use the logic AND and OR in conditional formatting
In Conditional Formatting, how can you shift the visualization to a different measure than the one the rules have been defined on?
In New Conditional Formatting screen, choose display → check Applied to under Apply Visualization to Another measure → then choose a member
In New Conditional Formatting screen, choose selection → check Applied to under Apply Visualization to Another measure → then choose a member
In New Conditional Formatting screen, choose definition → check Applied to under Apply Visualization to Another measure → then choose a member
How do you apply conditional Formatting?
Conditional Formatting → New → Enter name → select measure → select style → define one or more rules on the definition tab by selecting a priority, operator, and threshold value → add
Conditional Formatting → New → Enter name → select member → select style → define one or more rules on the definition tab by selecting a priority, operator, and threshold value → add
Conditional Formatting → New → Enter name → select measure → select style → define one or more rules on the selection tab by defining for each dimension if the conditional formatting should be applied to All Members and Totals or only to Members or Totals → add
Conditional Formatting → New → Enter name → select measure → select style → define one or more rules on the display tab by defining which parts of the crosstab are affected by conditional formatting: Data cells, Row headers, Column headers and apply visualization for another measure → add
New rows/columns cannot be inserted next to a data cell