Criado por Isabella N
aproximadamente 7 anos atrás
Eukary. are similar to prokary. transcription-how?
Eukar. have _ RNA polymerase.
For binding to happen for the RNA polym., what needs to present @ the ____?
What happens after RNA strand is made and while it is being made?
Which RNA polym. is carried out in the ___?
For accuracy to begin initiation, RNA polym. needs these _ sequences?
The core promoter contains what?
RNA polym. _, needs _ components in the core promoter
The DNA sequences found in core promotor elements - in 5' - 3'order (including startpoint)
BRE is short for?
(2) types of core promoters for RNA polym. _
TATA-driven promoters must have ___ + ____, but may not have ___.
DPE-driven promoters must have __ + ___
The core promoter w/o help can do what?
Increase promotors needs more ____ ____, which does what?
Proximal promoter elements are how far form startpoint?
RNA polym. _ uses only what?
RNA polym. _ uses () types of promoters: ____ + __ ___
tRNA promoters has what?
5S promoters has what?
A general transcription factor is known as...?
Basal transcrip. factors is what?
What's the job of basal transcrip. factor?
What is needed transcribe nuclear genes?
RNA polym. _ makes ____ from what?
RNA polym. _ makes these (2) things and where?
RNA polym. _ is responsible for ___ genes.
Before RNA polym. binds, what needs to be made and bound to first>
How is the transcription complex formed?
Where does transcrip. factors bind to ?
Which transcription factor "activates" the transcription-giving off ___?
RNA polym. _ is terminated by a (__) protein ______ signal sequence
RNA polym. _ is terminated by a ____ sequence of this nucleotide.
RNA polym. _ is terminated by getting ___ to form a ____ _ ____.
Where is RNA polym. _ terminal sequence?
New RNA that has just been transcribed are?
How is a rRNA made?
Where is rRNA made?
Who helps RNA poly. _ make the rRNA?
tRNa is made from?
While tRNA is being edited, what chemical changes are seen?
In the ____, mRNA is _____ + in the ____, it's _____.
Each mRNA codes for (_) ____.
Mature mRNA has a _' cap made of what + where is linked to?
The purpose of the 5' cap on the _RNA.
mRNA has ____ _ ____ connect to 3' end.
What is the poly A tail made of?
How is the poly A tail added?
The cell make 100's of copies of _RNA- why?
What is a ribosome made of?
Where is the poly A tail attached to?
The purpose of the poly A tail?
What is taken out of mRNA?
What is found in mature RNA?
Who takes out introns?
Who wraps up introns + takes them away while pasting exons together?
How does splicing take place?