Phebe Kuo
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

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Phebe Kuo
Criado por Phebe Kuo mais de 6 anos atrás

Exam 11 - Overall

Questão 1 de 15


which is a correct statement about the blood vessels?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • blood pressure and blood flow are inversely related

  • norepinephrine can cause both vasoconstriction and vasodilation

  • the volume of blood and the hydrostatic pressure are inversely related

  • almost all of the blood vessels are line with endothelial cells

  • blood pressure and blood flow are directly related

  • all of the blood vessels are lined with endothelial cells

  • norepinephrine can cause vasoconstriction but not vasodilation


Questão 2 de 15


Which is a correct statement about the actions of the heart?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • decreasing the blood vessel size will decrease the blood pressure

  • testosterone can impact the cardiac output

  • increasing the arterial pressure will instantly decrease the end systolic volume

  • the end diastolic volume is only sometimes greater than the end systolic volume

  • the end diastolic volume is always greater than the end systolic volume

  • testosterone cannot impact the cardiac output


Questão 3 de 15


Epinephrine causes an increase in ____ in the muscles surrounding the arterioles near the ____ muscles.

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • myosin light chain kinase activity - bicep

  • amount of calcium-bound troponin - bicep

  • myosin light chain kinase activity - stomach

  • amount of calcium-bound troponin - stomach


Questão 4 de 15


At the end of the _____ phase, you can expect the ventricles be mostly _______

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • diastolic - full

  • systemic - full

  • diastolic - empty

  • systemic - empty


Questão 5 de 15


On a hot summer day, Alex and Usman were frolicking in a water sprinkler which hit them with a gentle shower of water. Usman did not like Alex's comments about his favorite soccer team. He took off the sprinkler and blasted Alex's chest with water directly from the hose. If we consider the water impacts on Alex as like hydrostatic pressure impacts in blood vessels, then the sprinkler is like a(n) _____ and the hose is like a(n) ______

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • artery - arteriole

  • capillary - vein

  • capillary - artery

  • artery - capillary


Questão 6 de 15


which is a correct statement about the myocardium?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • the intercalated discs allow for both intracellular but not extracellular fluid movement

  • extracellular calcium enters to bind to voltage-gated channels of the SR

  • contraction occurs due to the binding of calcium to troponin

  • the myofibers are fully linear like skeletal myofibers

  • myofibers are not fully linear like skeletal myofibers


Questão 7 de 15


which is a correct order of actions for a single cardiac cycles (NOTE: immediately adjacent is not required; B-E is acceptable)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • right atrium contracts bottom to top - bundles of His conduct AP - left ventricle contracts

  • left atrium contracts top to bottom - right atria contracts - atrioventricular node activated

  • sinoatrial node activated - both ventricles contract - atrioventricular node activated

  • bundles of His conduct AP - ventricles contract bottom to top - atrioventricular node activated

  • sinoatrial node activated - ventricles contract bottom to top - atrioventricular node activated


Questão 8 de 15


During myocardial contraction, the level of calcium in the intracellular fluid is _____ and the calcium binds to ___ unique locations(s).

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • increasing - 1

  • unchanged - 1

  • increasing - 2

  • unchanged - 2


Questão 9 de 15


a decrease in the ____ results in a decrease in the _____

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • end systolic volume - hydrostatic pressure

  • arterial elasticity - stoke volume

  • arteriolar vasodilation - cardiac output

  • nitric oxide level - end diastolic volume


Questão 10 de 15


which is a correct match of extrinsic control and impact an arterioles near the liver?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • epinephrine - vasodilation

  • angiotensin II - vasoconstriction

  • nitric oxide - vasoconstriction

  • endothelin-1 - vasoconstriction

  • epinephrine - vasoconstriction


Questão 11 de 15


If the ____ decreases, then the cardiac output can remain constant if the ______ increases

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • end diastolic volume - heart rate

  • heart rate - conduction velocity

  • end systolic volume - heart rate

  • all three statements are correct


Questão 12 de 15


which is a correct method to result in an increase end systolic volume?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • hardening of the arteries

  • very large increase in the end diastolic volume

  • increased elasticity of the arteries


Questão 13 de 15


Mrs. Flarplord Baggins redesigned Crabix to disrupt heart activity. The impacted hearts have a final "dub" but not further sounds are ever heart. Which is correct statement about Crabix could be impacting the heart?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • it is impacting how electrical signals move from one cardiac cell to another

  • it is disrupting the activity of the atrioventricular node

  • it is not impacting how electrical signals move from one cardiac cell to another

  • it is not disrupting the activity of the atrioventricular node


Questão 14 de 15


During a recent run together, Ms. Scarlet realized that Mr. Gray was having a hard time keeping up with her. They go to a clinic to get him checked out. The doctor listens to his heart and hears "lub shh dub". Which is a correct statement about Mr. Gray's heart?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • he has damage to a semilunar valve

  • blood is back flowing into his ventricles

  • on the EKG, the "shhh" occurs before the T wave

  • blood is back flowing into the atria


Questão 15 de 15


Oh, No! an Anatomy lab accident cause you to be shrunk and transported into your lab partner's circulatory system. Fortunately, you were wearing your night vision goggles when the accident occur. Consequently, you are able to see that you are in a vessel where you are not having your position changed very quickly and can see skeletal myofibers through the wall of the vessel. You correctly determine that you

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • have been shrunk to smaller than a red blood cell

  • are not going to have to worry much about being banged against the vessel walls by the current

  • have been shrunk but are still much larger than a red blood cell
