Criado por Cheyann Newman
mais de 7 anos atrás
At low exercise intensities ATP regeneration is primarily from what?
What happens as exercise intensity increases during an incremental test?
What causes lactate threshold and ventilatory threshold?
What is a lactate/ventilatory threshold?
Where does the disproportionate change in blood lactate or ventilation occur?
Define anaerobic threshold?
Can anaerobic threshold be accurately identified during an incremental test?
What happens above anaerobic threshold? and what does it cause?
What are the two apparent thresholds in using ventilatory and blood lactate parameters during incremental exercise ?
What is the first threshold associated with?
What happens between the first and second ventilatory thresholds?
What is the second threshold associated with?
It can be difficult to identify the intensity of exercise associated with the two lactate thresholds - so which one is identified?
- How is it sometimes identified by?
What is a critical intensity for identifying training zones?
1) How long can an athlete continue an exercise for above the anaerobic threshold?
2) Below this intensity how long is the duration?
3) What can specific training methods do to anaerobic threshold ?
4) Where may AnT occur at percentage wise for VO2max? What about for trained individuals?
What are two things in addition to expressing AnT as a percentage of VO2max would be useful for athletes to customize their training sessions?
What are the 4 types of methods used to determine lactate or ventilatory thresholds?
VE vs Power Output
VE vs VCO2
(aka v-slope method)
Blood Lactate Determination
Respiratory Exchange Ratio and Ration of Perceived Exertion
(not a method. it is a guideline)