Criado por cigirlrocks999
quase 12 anos atrás
What is diffusion?
What is water used for in plants?
What is lysis?
What is xylem vessels used for?
What are phloem vessels used for?
What is the structure of xylem vessels?
Which ecosystem has a bigger biodiversity, artificial or natural?
What is active transport?
What are palisade cells?
What is meant by plasmolysed?
What is glucose converted into in plants?
What is the process of photosynthesis?
What are the limiting factors of photosynthesis?
How are leaves adapted for photosynthesis?
What is the equation for population size using the capture/recapture method?
What is meant by self-supporting?
What is an ecosystem?
What is a community?
What is population?
How do you estimate an animal population?
What are the asumptions made when using capture/recapture data?
What is zonation?
What is osmosis?