Criado por lauratyley
quase 12 anos atrás
why is it important to keep a common ancestor
why is selective breeding carried out
why does a plant that self poolinates have narrow g.d
define crossing over
predicted phenotype of dominant epistasis
predicted phenotype of recessive epistatsis
what is dominant epsistatis
What is recessive epistatsis
Contiouse varitiation is effect by how many genes?
Discountinouse variation is caused by how many gene
What effect does different alleles have on continous variation
What effect do different alleles at differnt gene loci have on discontinouse variation
define stabilizing selection
define directional selection
Ecological isolating mechanisms are
Phylogenetic species concept
Genetic Drift in a population
How does selection pressure occur
What do selection pressure cause
Definition of Codominance
An example of co domiance
How do you right co dominance
Define Homozygous
How does independent assortment occur during metaphase 2