1A. The definition of conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia is a direct bilirubin fraction of greater than 30% or >30mmol/l.
1B. A baby is said to have prolonged jaundice if the jaundice persists more than 1 week.
1C. The best test to check for synthetic liver function in a child with abnormal liver function tests is the internal normalised ratio (INR).
1D. Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia in a neonate is always pathological.
1E. Urinary tract infections can cause unconjugated or conjugated jaundice in a neonate.
2A. What are some common causes of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia at day 4 of life? [Excess bilirubin production]
2B. What are some common causes of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia at day 4 of life? [Reduced bilirubin excretion]
3. What is the most important question when faced with a jaundiced infant at 3 weeks of age?
A. Type of feeding – breast or formula?
B. Is the baby gaining weight appropriately?
C. Is the jaundice conjugated or unconjugated?
D. Family history of neonatal jaundice?
4. What are some of the causes of conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia in neonates?
5. A 7 year old girl presents with acute onset of jaundice. What is your approach? [History]
5. A 7 year old girl presents with acute onset of jaundice. What is your approach?
5. A 7 year old girl presents with acute onset of jaundice. What is your approach?