Criado por phil mar
quase 7 anos atrás
Give definition of The rule of the game
What effects result in changing the rules of the game?
Institutions and policy
Name 5 elements that contribute to the possibility and incentives for innovation and productive entrepreneurship!
Introducing China;
Explain shortly China's history
Explain Chinas "long march" to global competitiveness
Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
- Name three Pros and cons
Explain the four common pattern of Chinese companies expansion!
What is the key financial institution in China?
Explain China's industrial masterplan
What are the means for China's indutrial masterplan?
What are the short term consequences of China's industrial masterplan?
What are the long term consequences of industrial masterplan?
Regarding Innovation and entrepreneurship, What has changed since Deng's "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics"?
Name the three groups in MENA classification!
Name 4 Arguments why resource rich/dependent countries empirically grow slowlier than resource poor economies
Development trap natural resource abundance;
Define Argument 1: Volatile prices
Development trap natural resource abundance;
Define Argument 2: Danger of Mono-Cultural Economy
Development trap natural resource abundance;
Define Argument 3: Oil strenghtens autocratic Governments
Autocratic governments and weak
Define Back to the roots Movement!
Autocratic governments and weak
Define Westernize
Development trap natural resource abundance;
Define Argument 4: Foreign Intervention
Give two reasons why institutions and policy contribute
towards the
desired productive effect for society.