Criado por Karis Allen
aproximadamente 7 anos atrás
What type of wave is a Sound Wave and What does this mean?
What is the difference between a sound and light wave?
What are the 6 properties of waves?
Define Wavelength
Define Frequency
Define Amplitude
What is Sound Intensity?
What are Complex Sounds?
How are complex sounds analysed?
What are the 4 different types of boundary behaviour of sound?
What is meant by Reflection?
What is meant by Transmission?
What is meant by Refraction?
What is meant by Diffraction?
What is the Doppler Effect? When does it occur?
What is the difference between Subsonic and Supersonic?
What happens when an object is moving at Supersonic speeds?
What are the 2 important functions of the ear?
What is the Outer Ear made up of?
What is the purpose of the outer ear?
What is Cerumen and what are its purposes?
What is the Middle ear made up of?
What is the function of the Middle Ear?
What is the Eustachian Tube?
What is the the purpose of the Oval window?
What is the purpose of the Round window?
What are the Middle Ear muscles?
What is the purpose of the Middle ear muscles?
What makes up the Inner ear?
What is the Inner Ear?
What is the Cochlea's main function?
What 3 fluid filled canals of the Cochlea? What type of fluid is contained in them?
What is the purpose of the Organ of Corti?
What are the sequence of events from Cochlea to Brain after Sound enters ear canal?
What are the basic steps in the Auditory Central Nervous System?
What is Tonotopy?
What are the 3 planes of Sound Localisation?
What 3 cues help determine where sound is coming from?
What is meant by Interaural Time Difference?
What is meant by Interaural Level Difference?
What is meant by Head-Related Transfer Function?
How does distance relate to loudness?
Sound distance and Frequency?
Sound distance and Movement Parallax?
Sound distance and Direct Sound vs. Reflected Sound?
How is Pitch determined?
What is meant by the Paradox of Pitch?
How can Loudness by measured?
What does the Perception of Loudness depend on?
What is meant by Timbre?
What are the four principles of object analysis?
What is Auditory Scene Analysis (ASA)?
What is Gestalt psychology?
What Grouping Principles underlie ASA?
What Cues are used to solve the problem of grouping/segregating waveforms?
What are the Gerstalt principles in regards to audition?
What is Tonotopy?
What is the "What" stream of hearing responsible for and where does it start?
What is the "Where" stream of hearing responsible for and where does it start?
What is Echolocation?
What are the 3 main problems bats have to solve?
What are the 2 major differences between reptiles and mammals auditory bone structure?
Define Language?
Define Speech?
What changes were required for Speech?
What is the purpose of the Larynx?
What is the purpose of the Vocal Chords?
Define Paresis?
How are Polyps and Nodules caused
What produces the articulators that make intelligible sounds out of the raw sound wave produced in the Larynx?
What is the purpose of the Velum (soft palate)?
What is the purpose of the Hard Palate?
Why is Voice Perception important?
Outline Voice to Ear = Face to Eye
What are the most important regions of the Face perception network?
What is the "Halo Effect"?
What are the main contributors to what makes an "Attractive Face"?
What is the Perceptual Bias Account?
What is the Evolutionary Advantage View?
What makes a voice more attractive?
Sexual dimorphism in regards to voice attractiveness?
What are the basic components to emotion?
What is Prosody?
What hemisphere deals with emotional tone in speech?
What are the 3 stages of the working model of affective prosody
What are the building blocks of Music?
What 4 Grouping strategies are there for grouping sound?
What is meant by Perceptual fusion and separation of spectral components?
What is meant by Auditory continuity effects?
What is meant by Grouping of rapid sequences of tones?
What is meant by Spatial location?
What must Language and Music both depend on?
What are the different types of Hearing Loss?
What happens during clinical assessment of the degree of deafness?
What are the 2 types of turning fork tests?
What happens during a Rinne's turning fork test?
What happens during a Weber's turning fork test?
What is an Audiometry?
Audiogram - Conductive hearing loss
Audiogram - Sensorineural hearing loss
How is hearing loss categorised in terms of Decibel range?
What is the difference between Objective and Subjective Tinnitus?
What is Broca's Aphasia?
What is Wernicke's Aphasia?