Criado por Emily Bevis
quase 7 anos atrás
Define Gridlock
Define Bicameralism
Define Filibuster
Define Impeachment
What is the structure of the US Congress?
Requirements of becoming member of Senate/House
Name 4 Representation models
What representation model is used when voting for a National issue or a State issue?
Women in Congress
Significant women in Congress
Ethnic minorities in US Congress
Define gerrymandering
Typical profile of a Congress member
Religion in US Congress
Executive powers of the House (x3)
Exclusive powers of Senate (x3)
Concurrent powers of the US Congress (x5)
Explain 'advice and consent' in the US Congress
UK Comparison
Powers of the House Speaker
Paul Ryan
John Boehner
Nancy Pelosi
Who are the current
Minority and Majority leaders?
What are the powers and unit of majority and minority leaders?
President Pro Tempore
What are the 3 types of committee?
Functions of Standing committee
How important are committees?
House Rules Committee
How is a committee chair chosen?
Passage of legislation through Congress
What are 3 Presidential actions at the end of the legislation process?
What is a Presidential Veto?
Define 'discharge petition'
Factors affecting how members of Congress vote
How does Party affect Congressmen vote?
Define 'log-rolling'
How does Constituents affect Congressmen voting?
Define 'ear-marks'
At what stages can a bill die?
How does administration affect congressmen voting?
How can Pressure Groups affect Congressmen voting?
How can Colleagues and staff affect Congressmen votes?
How can Personal beliefs affect how a Congressmen votes?
Define 'caucus'
Why has congress become more partisan?
How does Congress offer oversight and scrutiny of the Executive Branch?
How effective is Congress oversight?
Is gridlock inevitable? YES
Is gridlock inevitable? NO