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Quiz sobre Clinical Pathoanatomy MCQs (Qs 491 - 530), criado por Thinkwell J em 18-01-2018.

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Clinical Pathoanatomy MCQs (Qs 491 - 530)

Questão 1 de 40


The upper outer quadrant of the breast shows dense node, well delimited and movable to the surrounding tissue and skin. Histological examination established proliferated and expanded ducts of the breast with spherical shape and the surrounding connective tissues that does not deform them. Breast lobules are not seen. Give the diagnosis of the process!

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • chronic fibrocystic breast

  • lipogranuloma

  • lipoma

  • pericanalicular fibroadenoma


Questão 2 de 40


Autopsy of a 67 year old with cancer of the ascending colon. Skin, mucous membranes and internal organs are pale, the heart is a 'tiger' types, the bone marrow of flat bones is hyperplastic, and in the long bones it is the hyperplastic and 'red'. Point out the correct diagnosis of the hematopoetic system!

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • iron deficiency anemia

  • hemolytic anemia

  • pernicious anemia

  • aplastic anemia


Questão 3 de 40


At an autopsy, a large part of one of the lungs is soft, grey colour with an unpleasant odor and the surrounding lung tissue is atelectatic. Histologically is seen necrosis with many microorganisms. No inflammatory reactions is seen. Give the correct diagnosis!

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • emphysema

  • lung carcinoma

  • lung abscess

  • lung gangrene


Questão 4 de 40


18-year old girl is with tumor formation in the abdomen. An operation is done and a cystic tumor of the left ovary with the size of 10cm is removed. Cutting of the tumor shows little protrusion at one pole of the cyst and the contents are fat and hair. Histologically are observed improperly mixed tissues from all three germ laters - ecto - , meso- and endoderm. Determine the type of tumor;

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • serous cystadenoma

  • papillary cystadenoma

  • mucinous cystadenocarcinoma

  • mature teratoma


Questão 5 de 40


At necropsy the gastric mucosa is strongly hypertophied. Gastric mucosal folds are large, curved, swollen resembling brain gyri. Which of the following is correct

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • acute gastritis

  • chronic gastritis

  • carcinoma of the stomach

  • hypertrophic gastritis of Menetrier


Questão 6 de 40


Autopsy of 27 year old woman find in the lungs numerous gray-yellowish nodules in the size of the millet grain and dense texture, In the subarachnoid space of the basal surface of the brain between the cruris cerebri around the optic chiasma is see abundant gelatinous, yellowish exudate and along the blood vessels - nodules with the same characteristic as in the lungs. What is the disease of the nervous system

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • purulent meningitis

  • encephalitis

  • serous meningitis

  • tuberculous meningitis


Questão 7 de 40


An elderly with complaints of severe chest pain that spread to the left arm was admitted in emergency cardiac surgery. A surgical intervention with placement of two bypasses was performed and the patient's life was saved. What disease caused the complaints

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • angina pectoris

  • atherosclerosis

  • myocardial infarction

  • Prinzmetal angina


Questão 8 de 40


If thrombosis occurs a few days after surgery of popliteal vein and causes death due to massive pulmonary embolism, the main disease is:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • what has given rise to surgery

  • the surgical operation

  • thrombosis of v. poplitea

  • massive pulmonary thrombosis


Questão 9 de 40


The autopsy of 27 years old woman revealed numerous grayish yellow nodules in the lungs with size of a grain and dense consistency. On the brain was found gelatinous yellowish exudate mainly on the base, around the chiasm and Sylvian fissure. Around the vessels were visible single nodules with the same characteristics as in the lungs. What is the process in the lungs

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • abscessing pneumonia

  • pneunomia crouposa

  • miliary tuberculosis

  • silicosis


Questão 10 de 40


A 50years old male present with angina pectoris. Coronary angiography reveals a 75% narrowing of the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery. Which of the following cells is least likely to be involved in the pathogenesis of his coronary artery lesion

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • monocytes

  • smooth muscle cells

  • platelets

  • neutrophils


Questão 11 de 40


*During third trimester of pregnancy, a 28 year old woman discovers a lump in her right breast. It is circumscribed, 2cm, freely movable mass beneath the nipple. After delivery of a term infant the mass appears to decrease slightly in size. This breast lesion is most likely to be a (an):
*NB: There is no marked answer in the MCQs book (Q501) so i ticked the one i thought is the correct answer...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • intraductatal papilloma

  • phyllodes tumor

  • fibroadenoma

  • lobular carcinoma in situ


Questão 12 de 40


A patient was admitted to the surgical department with clinical signs of acute abdomen and died before the surgical intervention. The autopsy revealed bluish to dark red color of the jejunum and part of the ileum. Intestines were inflated and when opened - with leakages of bloody matter. The histological examination of the intestinal wall showed hemorrhagic infarction. In what pathological process can be described the picture observed

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • acute hemorrhagic necrosis of the pancreas

  • phlegmonous appendicitis

  • acute viral enteritis

  • mesenteric thrombosis


Questão 13 de 40


The autopsy of 57 years old female revealed papillary formation in the area of the trigonum of the urinary bladder, which significantly narrowed the urethra. Ureters and renal pelvis were highly enlarged and the renal parenchyma was thin. Point out the changes in the kidneys

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • hydronephrosis

  • bug white kidney

  • glomerulonephritic nephrosclerotic

  • atrophy of pressure


Questão 14 de 40


The autopsy of 67 years old woman revealed carcinoma of the ascending colon with significant size. The skin, mucous membranes and internal organs were pale, the bone marrow in the long bones was red and the heart appeared as ''tiger heart''. Set the correct diagnosis of the changes in the hematopoietic system

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • iron deficiency anemia

  • hemolytic anemia

  • pernicious anemia

  • aplastic anemia


Questão 15 de 40


At the autopsy of a 29 day old baby with total hypotrophy is observe: diffuse purulent inflammation of the skin (pyoderma), cyanosis of the phalanges and the mucosal membranes, bilateral fibrino-purulent pleuritic and dense subpleural areas in the black parts of the lungs. What is the most probable etiological agent of the infection and how was the baby affected

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • steptococcus pneumoniae

  • staphylococcus aureus

  • the infection was due to intestinal obstruction

  • this is an example of nosocomial infection


Questão 16 de 40


The autopsy of 41years old man the whole middle lobe of the right lung is firm, greyish, airless. The cut surface is finely granular and the texture resembles that of the liver. The adjacent pleural surface is covered by fibrino-purulent exudate. What is the diagnosis

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • lung abscess

  • fungal pneumonia

  • pneumonia crouposa

  • pneumoconiosis


Questão 17 de 40


The autopsy of 41years old man the whole middle lobe of the right lung is firm, greyish, airless. The cut surface is finely granular and the texture resembles that of the liver. The adjacent pleural surface is covered by fibrino-purulent exudate. On which day of the illness did death occur

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 2nd day

  • 10th day

  • 14th - 16th day

  • 4th - 6th day


Questão 18 de 40


A 33 year old woman complains of fatigue, night sweats and unilateral enlarged lymph nodes for several months. The biopsy shows effaced lymph node structure with multiple inflammatory cells - small mature lymphocytes, eosinophils, macrophages. Large bean-shaped nuclei, located with its concave parts as in 'mirror'image and 1 or 2 well visible red nucleoli. Lymph nodes are dissected by strands of connective tissue that creates the impression of nested structure of the lymph nodes. CT scan of the abdominal organs and the bone marrow biopsy show no pathological changes. Identify the lymphoma, its form and stage

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • non-hodgkin large cell b-cell lymphoma in 2nd stage

  • non-hodgkin t-cell lymphoma in 1st stage

  • hodgkin lymphoma, nodular sclerosis, 1st stage

  • hodgkin lymphoma, nodular sclerosis, 2nd stage


Questão 19 de 40


At autopsy of a 39yers old man was found: enlarged 6kgs spleen, liver - 4.5kgs, greyish (purulent) bone marrow and plenty of post-mortem clots in the blood vessels. In the cleft large brain hemisphere there is a blood clot, which destroy brain tissue. What is the diagnosis and the cause of death

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • chronic lymphogenic leucosis; brain hemorrhage

  • chronic myeloleukemia; brain hemorrhage

  • chronic myeloleukemia; brain infarction

  • congenital abnormality

  • none of the above


Questão 20 de 40


At autopsy of a 39yers old man was found: enlarged 6kgs spleen, liver - 4.5kgs, greyish (purulent) bone marrow and plenty of post-mortem clots in the blood vessels. In the cleft large brain hemisphere there is a blood clot, which destroy brain tissue. What is the reason for the hepato- splenomegaly

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • portal hypertension

  • extramedullary hematopoiesis

  • congenital abnormality

  • none of the above


Questão 21 de 40


The examination of the oral cavity of 42yrs old patient shows slightly elevated pale plaque-like lesion with uneven surface, slit spaces and erosive areas, located on the back surface of the tongue and the mouth floor. It cannot be scrapped off. Two week antibiotic therapy is not helpful. Incisional biopsy is done. The pathologist describes hyperkeratosis, parakeratosiss, acanthosis of the epirthelium, severe chronic inflammation, but also disorganisation and moderate cellular atypia in the basal two thirds of the stratified squamous epithelium. The integrity of the basal membrane is retained. What is the clinical diagnosis

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • squamous cell carcinoma

  • in situ squamous cell carcinoma

  • leukoplakia with moderate dysplasia

  • leukoplakia without dysplasia


Questão 22 de 40


A 53 yrs old woman is diagnosed with malignant lymphoma based on a biopsy of a painless moderately mobile nodule, located on the left, supraclavicularly. She complains of weakness, palpable peripheral lymph nodes. From the laboratory results: iron deficiency anemia, hypo-proteinemia. The biopsy was sent for revision. What conclusion do you expect from the consulting pathologist and how could it be proved

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • B-cell large lymphoma, proved using immunohistochemistry

  • metastasis from gastric carcinoma, proved with PAS, PAS control and immunohostochemistry

  • recommendation for gastroscopy

  • Mantoux test


Questão 23 de 40


The autopsy of a 28 yrs old male shows expressed changes in the kidneys and lungs. The lungs are enlarged, heavy, with rusty color. Histologically, there are multiple hemorrhages, fibrinoid necrosis of alveolar wall, hemosiderophages in the alveoli. The kidneys are enlarged, the cortex is widened, fleshy, with hemorrhages. The clinical diagnosis is crescentic glromerulonephritis. What is the final pathological diagnosis

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • rapidly progressing glomerulonephritis

  • mesangiocapillary glormerulophritis

  • Goodpasture syndrome

  • minimal change disease


Questão 24 de 40


The autopsy of a 28 yrs old male shows expressed changes in the kidneys and lungs. The lungs are enlarged, heavy, with rusty color. Histologically, there are multiple hemorrhages, fibrinoid necrosis of alveolar wall, hemosiderophages in the alveoli. The kidneys are enlarged, the cortex is widened, fleshy, with hemorrhages.The final pathological diagnosis is Goodpasture syndrome. Which are the most common clinical symptoms in this disease

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • non- productive cough; proteninuria

  • hemoptoe; hematuria

  • headache; tonsillitis

  • none of the above


Questão 25 de 40


The autopsy of a 28 yrs old male shows expressed changes in the kidneys and lungs. The lungs are enlarged, heavy, with rusty color. Histologically, there are multiple hemorrhages, fibrinoid necrosis of alveolar wall, hemosiderophages in the alveoli. The kidneys are enlarged, the cortex is widened, fleshy, with hemorrhages.The final pathological diagnosis is Goodpasture syndrome. What changes can be observed in the heart

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • cor villosum

  • left-sided heart failur

  • right-sided heart failure

  • cor bovinum


Questão 26 de 40


A 29yrs old nulluparous has a high grade intraepithelial lesion of the cervix. After the targeted biopsy, conization is done. The entire cervix is received at the laboratory and 16 cut sections are submitted. The biopsy report claims that in situ carcinoma is seen only in the area of the portio vaginalis coli uteri. The gynecologist considers the answer inadequate. Why?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the initial diagnosis was high grade dysplasia

  • there is no comment of the findings in the tip of the cone

  • there is no comment of the depth of the invasion into the myometrium

  • the gynecologist has no reason to complain


Questão 27 de 40


47 yrs old female has been sent to surgery for breast lump, attached to the adjacent tissues, measuring 4cm in diameter, located in the upper breast quadrant. The biopsy of the lump shows distorted breast structure small identical cells arranged in an 'Indian file' pattern. What is the diagnosis

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • fibroadenoma

  • fibro-cystic disease

  • thecoma

  • breast carcinoma


Questão 28 de 40


47 yrs old female has been sent to surgery for breast lump, attached to the adjacent tissues, measuring 4cm in diameter, located in the upper breast quadrant. The biopsy of the lump shows distorted breast structure small identical cells arranged in an 'Indian file' pattern. What type of tumor is described

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • ductal in situ carcinoma

  • fibroadenoma

  • invasive lobular carcinoma

  • invasive ductal carcinoma


Questão 29 de 40


At the autopsy of a 70yrs old male the prostate is enlarged, measuring 85gr, 6-7cm in diameter. The cut surface shows lobular architecture and preserved capsule. The prostate part of the urethra is folded and narrow. The urinary bladder shows hypertrophy of the muscle layer. Bladder mucosa is hyperemic and covered with fibrino-purulent exudate. Both ureters and pyelon are dilated. The kidneys are enlarged, but the parenchyma is thin. What is the diagnosis of the changes in the prostate and kidneys

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • benign prostate hyperplasia and renal cell carcinoma

  • benign prostate hyperplasia and hydronephrosis

  • prostate cancer and hydronephrosis

  • prostate cancer and renal cell cancer


Questão 30 de 40


30yrs old male patient, married with no children is admitted for surgery due to a right sided inguinal hernia. The right testis could not be palpated. The ultrasound reveals hypo-echogenic area measuring 5/5cm behind the urinary bladder. CT scan shows a mass measuring 2/1cm in close proximity to the inguinal canal. The tumor is resected. The histology shows 2 types of cells - large, highly atypical and monstrous, and small spindle shaped cells set among the blood mass. No stroma is seen. The human chorionic gonadotropin is highly elevated. What is the diagnosis

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • seminoma of the testis with retroperitoneal spread

  • androblastoma of the testis with retroperitoneal spread

  • choriocarcinoma of the testis with retroperitoneal spread

  • dermoid cyst of the retroperitoneum


Questão 31 de 40


30yrs old male patient, married with no children is admitted for surgery due to a right sided inguinal hernia. The right testis could not be palpated. The ultrasound reveals hypo-echogenic area measuring 5/5cm behind the urinary bladder. CT scan shows a mass measuring 2/1cm in close proximity to the inguinal canal. The tumor is resected. The histology shows 2 types of cells - large, highly atypical and monstrous, and small spindle shaped cells set among the blood mass. No stroma is seen. The human chorionic gonadotropin is highly elevated. Is there any relation between the 'missing' testis and the tumor formation

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • yes, it gave rise to the primary tumor mass

  • no, because it is far from the tumor mass behind the urinary bladder

  • yes, because it gave rise to a separate tumor

  • no, because it was removed in childhood


Questão 32 de 40


A 22 yr old female felt a painless nodule on the right side of her neck. She reported she underwent ionizing therapy years ago for a capillary hemangioma. Histologically, 3 lymph nodes structures were identified, entirely replaced by thyroid tissue. Some of the follicles show papillary structures, in which the lining epithelium is with large, vesicular, optically ''empty'' nuclei. Some of the papillae show calcium deposits. After the biopsy, thyroidectomy followed. What is your diagnosis of the findings in the lymph node

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • ectopic thyroid tissue

  • lymph node metastasis from thyroid carcinoma

  • metastasis from capillary hemangioma

  • Grave's disease


Questão 33 de 40


A 22 yr old female felt a painless nodule on the right side of her neck. She reported she underwent ionizing therapy years ago for a capillary hemangioma. Histologically, 3 lymph nodes structures were identified, entirely replaced by thyroid tissue. Some of the follicles show papillary structures, in which the lining epithelium is with large, vesicular, optically ''empty'' nuclei. Some of the papillae show calcium deposits. After the biopsy, thyroidectomy followed. What is the expected finding in the thyroid gland

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Hashimoto thyroditis

  • Grave's disease

  • papillary thyroid carcinoma

  • follicular thyroid carcinoma


Questão 34 de 40


28yr old female complained from facial hair, lower type diabetes, fleshy stretch mark on the lower abdomen and arterial hypertension. CT reveals retroperitoneal tumor measuring 10/5/3cm, set above the kidney. Grossly, the tumor is lobular, tan-yellow, lacking a capsule. Histology shows nested structure. Tumor cells are with pale, vacuolar cytoplasm with centrally located nuclei. Cellular atypia is observed, large 'monstrous' cells are seen. Tumor emboli are found in the veins. What kind of neoplasm is described

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • benign kidney tumor

  • malignant kidney tumor

  • malignant suprarenal tumor

  • benign suprarenal tumor


Questão 35 de 40


28yr old female complained from facial hair, lower type diabetes, fleshy stretch mark on the lower abdomen and arterial hypertension. CT reveals retroperitoneal tumor measuring 10/5/3cm, set above the kidney. Grossly, the tumor is lobular, tan-yellow, lacking a capsule. Histology shows nested structure. Tumor cells are with pale, vacuolar cytoplasm with centrally located nuclei. Cellular atypia is observed, large 'monstrous' cells are seen. Tumor emboli are found in the veins. Specify your diagnosis taking into consideration the given data.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • hormone active adenoma of the suprarenal gland

  • clear cell carcinoma of the kidney

  • adenocarcinoma of the suprarenal gland

  • suprarenal gland metastasis by clear cell lung carcinoma


Questão 36 de 40


13yrs old boy was sent back home from school due to general weakness, high fever and headache. In the evening a living skin rush appeared on his body. The lost consciousness his blood pressure dropped, the heart rate was rapid and arrhythmic. The boy died 16hrs after onset of the symptoms. The cerebrospinal fluid shows plenty of leucocytes, protein and coccoid flora-Neissria meningitides. The autopsy reveals large suprarenal glands transformed in to hemorrhagic 'pouches'. The brain shows to remarkable changes, mainly edema and small hemorrhages. Which is the main disease

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • epidemic meningitis

  • tuberculous meningitis

  • purulent meningitis

  • viral meningitis


Questão 37 de 40


13yrs old boy was sent back home from school due to general weakness, high fever and headache. In the evening a living skin rush appeared on his body. The lost consciousness his blood pressure dropped, the heart rate was rapid and arrhythmic. The boy died 16hrs after onset of the symptoms. The cerebrospinal fluid shows plenty of leucocytes, protein and coccoid flora-Neissria meningitides. The autopsy reveals large suprarenal glands transformed in to hemorrhagic 'pouches'. The brain shows to remarkable changes, mainly edema and small hemorrhages. Which is the complication of the main disease

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • acute polio encephalitis

  • meningococcal sepsis

  • suprarenal hemorrhagic infections

  • pyoderma


Questão 38 de 40


13yrs old boy was sent back home from school due to general weakness, high fever and headache. In the evening a living skin rush appeared on his body. The lost consciousness his blood pressure dropped, the heart rate was rapid and arrhythmic. The boy died 16hrs after onset of the symptoms. The cerebrospinal fluid shows plenty of leucocytes, protein and coccoid flora-Neissria meningitides. The autopsy reveals large suprarenal glands transformed in to hemorrhagic 'pouches'. The brain shows to remarkable changes, mainly edema and small hemorrhages. What is the cause of death

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • acute meningitis

  • acute polioencephalitis

  • pyoderma

  • Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrom (acute adrenal failure)


Questão 39 de 40


A well circumscribed nodule attached to dura mater was resected, greyish-white in color, firm, and measuring 4cm in diameter. The tumor is easily detached from the underlying dura and the underlying brain tissue shows a compression 'pit'. Which is the tumor

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • glioblastoma multiforme

  • shwannoma

  • meningioma

  • astrocytoma


Questão 40 de 40


The biopsy of a recurrent brain tumor shows polymorphous cells in a necrotic background. There are large giant multinucleated tumor cells, some of them highly atypical, called 'monstrous'. The tumor cells from palisades around the necrosis and hemorrhages. Idenfify the tumor

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • malignant meningioma

  • malignant schwannoma

  • glioblastoma multiforme

  • astrocytoma
