Criado por Yinka F
quase 7 anos atrás
What is a nucleotide?
What is the structure of a nucleotide?
What is the structure of DNA nucleotides?
What is the structure of RNA nucleotides?
What are purines?
What are the two types of bases present in DNA and RNA nucleotides?
What are pyrimidines?
What does ATP stand for?
What is the structure of ATP?
What is the process in which ATP is broken down into ADP and inorganic phosphate (Pi)?
Complete the sentences:
Plant and animal cells release ______ from glucose through ___________. A cell cannot get its energy directly from glucose. So, in respiration, the energy released from ________ is used to make _____ and then molecules of ATP provide energy for ___________ __________ in the cell
Where is energy stored in ATP?