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Javonte Pride
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Some Relevant Concepts from Biology

Javonte Pride
Criado por Javonte Pride quase 7 anos atrás
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Dog BiologyEvolutionGenetic DiversitySelective BreedingTaxonomyEthologyBasicPhilosophyWolf Ethology38 Living Speciesof Dogs.Of the 39 KNOWN species,only one is extinct, TheFalkland Islands Wolf. Dogs of one type oranother inhabitalmost every part ofthe Earth. ExceptAntarctica and someremote islands.Biological Evolution;the process of changeand diversification ofliving things over time.Variations in hereditarycan occur in two ways;spontaneous mutation,in which variantschange from one toanother, or the sexualprocess, in whichvariants combine toform many variations.Mutation; basic,significant, relativelypermanent change in thegenetic makeup of anorganism.VariationsthatarearandomactofchancearetermedGeneticDriftNatural SelectionProcess is then followed by Natural Selection of these variants that are most effectively passed on to Future generations. This theory argues that the tremendous amount of Genetic Diversity is brought upon by Natural Selection. Charles Darwin Based this theory on the existence of hereditary variation. As successful species multiply, unsuccessful Species dwindle in number. Results in species that are more adapted to a given environment. Factors affect the number of offspring an organism is able to produce and include differences in survival, fertility, rate of development, or mating success. Humans ability to develop different varieties of plants and animals, so must these varieties occur in nature. Humans began to breed dogs that retained puppy like behaviors. Neoteny; the retention of puppy like behaviors or Characteristics. Barking; a distinguished characteristic between domesticated dogs and wild dogs. Chasing prey but not going in for the kill. Submission to a greater power. In dogs case, to humans, and not a dominant member of a pack. The classification of organisms into different categories based on their individual physical, genetic, and biochemical relationships to one another. Clique duas vezes aqui para editar o textoClique e arraste este botão para criar um novo tópico