Este Quiz é cronometrado.
Você tem 20 minutos para completar as 12 questões deste quiz..
Write the root words and meanings of: شَعَآئِرِ جُنَاحَ يُخَفَّفُ
ش ع ر: symbols ج ن ح : any sin خ ف ف: it will be lightened
ش ء ر: symbols ج ن ح : any sin خ و ف: it will be lightened
ش ر ر: evil ج ح ح : any sin خ و ف: fear
Tick any one box to complete the hadith: (mafhoom) " whatever strikes you was never meant to miss you. ...."
" be patient and seek reward with Allah. "
.....inna lillahe wa inna ilaihi rajioon."
......And what missed you was never meant to strike you." submit instantly and seek reward. "
What's the way to deal with calamity?
First we do sabr
We say َإِنَّآ إِلَيْهِ رَٰجِعُونَ
A bigger degree is Rida: we're content with the decree of Allah
Third level is shukr- we're thankful that it could have been worse.
We say bad things about our fate
We wail and mourn uncontrollably
We seek reward from Allah swt
How does Allah send salawat upon us?
Allah praises us in the company of angels.
His status is raised in allah swt's eyes.
Allah swt sends mercy and takes us out of trouble.
Through angels
Shaair is the plural of shaeera meaning symbols.
Worship of Allah can be Khafiya (secret) or Obvious (open)
Because of the patience and sacrifice of Hadrat Hajra Allah swt made saffa and marwa symbols of the deen without which hajj or umrah are neither of them complete without sai between the two. So he rewarded her for her patience and faith.
How is Allah swt Shaakir?
He appreciates even the little good that we do.
He never wastes the reward of our patience.
He rewards us by purifying us and giving us more from him.
Allah swt does not forgive us.
He punishes us
Check the correct options:
The people of the book were hiding the evidences of truthfullness the prophet Mohammad s.a.w.
يَكْتُمُونَ is from ك ت م meaning to hide
Bayyinah is the plural of bayyinaat
Guidance is of two types :ilm and amal
Concealing evidence/ilm is a major sin and such people are cursed
We have a choice to act or not act upon knowledge
Repentance includes that a person must reform his/her ways.
People who conceal knowledge must seek forgiveness and reform themselves and make known what they hid else they are cursed
Kufr is of two types : Denial/ rejection Arrogance/ kibr