Criado por Stuart Halford
quase 7 anos atrás
What are synonymous terms for fault?
What is the basic premise that underpins fault?
What aspect of Criminal Law is significant in determining fault?
What kind of offences are usually covered by Strict Liability?
In which case was the D found guilt of supplying prescription only drugs without prescription?
Which case highlights a problem with the Sexual Offences Act 2003 and the creation of strict liability offences.
Which case traditionally was described as a strict liability in Tort?
What are the three levels of fault in criminal law?
In which areas of criminal law can recklessness be discussed in a Fault answer.
What is argued about the fault level in murder?
What are the three types of mistake?
Which of the defences completely eliminates the fault element?
In what way does the Criminal Justice Act 2003 acknowledge that there are different levels of fault.
What area of Tort law acknowledges that both D and C may have some level of fault?
Which area of tort places fault with the employer for employees actions?
What is the three part test in Tort law that aims to establish whether blame is attributable.
What two word phrase can be helpful in establishing fault?
Under normal circumstances omission would not lead to fault unless:-
Which type of offence is proven by both R v Larsonneur (1933) and Winzar v Chief Constable of Kent (1983)
What principle ensures fault is attached even if an unintended victim is harmed?
What are the two categories of intent?