Criado por Adam O'Rourke
mais de 11 anos atrás
(Hereditary) Melo (Gene Mapping)
(Hereditory) Plomin
(Hereditary) Evaluation
(Personality) Personalities Associated with Substance Abuse
(Personality) Morgenstern
(Personality) Fabrega
(Personality) Evaluation
(Social) Stein
(Social) Sarafino
(Social) Killen
(Social) Harris
(Social) Garnier and Stein
(Social) Helzer and Canino
(Social) Social Control Theory
(Social) Bandura
(Social) Perkins and Berkowitz (Social norm approach)
(Social) Evaluation
(Hereditary) Methods of Investiagtion
(Hereditary) Melo (Animals)
(Hereditary) Kaij (Twins)
(Hereditary) Peters and Preedy (Adoption)
(Hereditary) Schuckit