Q1. Which one of them is not a kind of pump?
A. Fuel transfer pump
B. Fuel booster pump
C. Ejector pump
D. Suministor pump
Q2. Which pump is the one that supplies the fuel flow to the engine?
Q3. Which are the different types of sensors used for fuel mesurement?
A. Capacitance sensors and ultrasonic sensors
B. Diode zeiner and optical level sensors
C. None of the above
D. A and B
Q4. The pressure that a booster generate should be:
A. True vapour pressure +5 psi in order to avoid cavitation
B. The necessary to move fuel from deposit to engine
C. Dew point pressure +4 psi to reach cavitation
D. Pressure in the atmosphere needed to move fuel to the whole system.
Q5. How many additional psi needs a booster?
A. +3
B. +6
C. +5
D. None of the above
Q6. Which of the below are not a fuel measurement sensor?
A. Capacitance sensors
B. Diode zeiner sensors
C. Electric sensors
Q7. -What can we find between the low Pressure Centrifugal Pump and the High Pressure Centrifugal Pump?
A. FCOCS ( Fuel Cooled Oil Coolers)
B. Fuel Filter
C. A and B
D. A, B and a transfer pump
Q8. What kinds of tank can have an aircraft?
A. Rigid tanks
B. Flexible tanks
C. Integral tanks
D. All are correct.