Criado por Det Ferraris
quase 12 anos atrás
Medical Supplement Policies
Medicare Supplement Policies aks Medigap Policie
12 Standardized Plans (A-L)
or 10+2 high deductible plans)
B-L= Broader
F & J available with high deductible option.
high deductible = lower premium
K &L take coinsurance approach and has Out-Of-Pocket Limit
Medicare SELECT plan
Plan A (Core Plan)
within 6 months of enrolling for Part B, app for Med Supp cannot be declined or premiums increased
Pre-existing conditions may be excluded up to 6 months.
Guaranteed Renewable
All Medicare Supplement Policies have a 30 days Free-Look period
An agent must deliver the following to a medicare supplement applicant at the time of initial solicitation:
Medicare Supplement Policies are NOT endorsed by the government
Medical aka Medicaid
Share of Cost
Agents CANNOT sell any health insurance to a MEDI-Cal BENEFICIARY who is age 65 or older
Disability Applications must contain question to determine if Medi-Cal BENEFITS are being received by applicant