I have NO credit card debt.
I HAVE an emergency fund that gives me SECURITY.
My current business/career gives me success and fulfilment.
I have a personal growth roadmap and I feel on track.
I HAVE ENERGY on a daily basis to do all the things I set my mind to.
I feel very good in my body. I HAVE THE DREAM BODY I DESIRED.
I DO NOT have any illnesses or pain in my body.
I have a fitness routine that I stick to it. (it does not matter if it is daily, twice a week or just once a week)
I have a budget and I stick to it religiously.
I am surrounded by positive people that raise my standards.
I have time to do whatever I want each day.
I am 100% happy with my earnings.
I do not hold grudges and forgive everyone in my life.
I seek out help and support when I need it.
I find solutions to any problem easily.
I always operate from my highest truth and authentic communication.
I cook/eat cooked food at least once per day.