Criado por Emily Bevis
quase 7 anos atrás
Problems with succession
Elizabeth's potential suitors
1563 Parliament
Other Parliamentary discussions of succession
Succession final decision
Mary Queen of Scots before 1559
Mary's problems on the Scottish throne
Mary's English imprisonment
5 rebellions/plots under Elizabeth
Rebellion of Northern Earls, 1569
Consequences and threat of Northern Earls
Ridolfi Plot 1571
Papacy 1570/80s threat
The Throckmorton Plot, 1583
The Babington Plot, 1586
Impact of Babington Plot
Anglo-Spanish relations at the start of Elizabeths reign
Why did Spanish relations worse in the 1960s?
Problem with Netherlands in 1572
When and why did the Netherlands start to split?
How did Liz challenge the 1580s growth in Spanish power?
Treaty of Joinville
Treaty of Nunsuch, 1585
What was the Spanish Armada?
Armada plan?
What actually happened in the armada?
Elizabeth's naval campaign
Ireland after 1588
Netherlands after 1588
What was Elizabeths primary focus with her late foreign policy?
Tyrone Rebellion