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Forensic Science Mid Term chapter 8

Criado por cheetahgoddess quase 10 anos atrás

Forensic Science Chapter 8

Questão 1 de 36


The barrel of a shotgun:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Is indistinguishable from that of a rifle

  • Is smooth without the grooves and lands found in rifles

  • Is generally shorter than that of a rifle

  • Is wider at the end to concentrate shot


Questão 2 de 36


The reason grooves are rifled into the bore of a gun is so that a:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Bullet will be made to spin and have a true and accurate course on leaving the barrel

  • Bullet moving though will have unique striations

  • Manufacturer can put its unique mark on its product

  • Bullet will be reduced in size before it exits the gun


Questão 3 de 36


The comparison of two bullets is possible with the comparison microscope. Such a study is made difficult by the fact that:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Lands and grooves are subject to wear and tear and hence striations markings are susceptible to continuing change.

  • Often evidence bullets are distorted on impact and only small areas are found with intact markings.

  • The presence of grit and rust can to some degree alter the markings on bullets fired through the same barrel.

  • All of the above


Questão 4 de 36


Generally, the gauge of a shotgun is _______ to the diameter of its barrel

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Directly related

  • Not related

  • Indirectly related

  • None of the above


Questão 5 de 36


Distinctive markings of shells and cartridges can be made by the:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Extractor and ejector mechanism

  • Firing pin

  • Breech face mark

  • All of the above


Questão 6 de 36


NIBIN is/are:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Trade group of firearms manufacturers

  • Safety education courses for firearm use

  • A database for firearm evidence

  • Lists of licenses gun dealers


Questão 7 de 36


Generally speaking, the amount of gun powder particles found around a bullet hole is _____ to the distance from which the weapon was fired.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Indirectly related

  • Not related

  • Directly related

  • None of the above


Questão 8 de 36


Gun powder residue patterns can be detected by:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The Greiss Test

  • IR photograph

  • Both a and b

  • Neither a nor b


Questão 9 de 36


Chokes are sometimes found on shotguns where they function to constrict the end of the barrel. The speed and distance traveled by pellets fired from a narrow choke is _____ the speed and distance traveled by pellets fired from a shotgun with a wide choke.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The same as

  • Greater than

  • Less than

  • None of the above


Questão 10 de 36


The “dermal nitrate test” has fallen into disfavor because of its lack of specificity. Which of the following common materials does NOT give a misleading positive reaction to this test?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Tobacco

  • Chocolate

  • Urine

  • Cosmetics


Questão 11 de 36


The likelihood of detecting GSR on swabs taken from living subjects more than six hours after a firing has occurred is _____ the likelihood of detecting GSR within two hours of a firing.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The same as

  • Less than

  • Greater than

  • None of the above


Questão 12 de 36


Which technique of detecting GSR holds the most promise for the immediate future?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Infrared spectroscopy

  • SEM primer residue detection

  • Neutrn activation analysis

  • Dermal nitrate test


Questão 13 de 36


When an etching agent is applied to a metal surface in order to restore a removed serial number the stamped area will dissolve at _____ as the unstamped area.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A greater rate

  • The same rate

  • A slower rate

  • None


Questão 14 de 36


To prevent the disturbance of latent fingerprints on a firearm, the weapon should be lifted by:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Inserting a pencil into the barrel

  • Using disposable forceps

  • The outside of the barrel or the trigger

  • The edge of the trigger guard or by the checkered portions of the grip


Questão 15 de 36


When a gun is recovered from an underwater location, it should be:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Transported to the crime lab in a container with enough of the same water necessary to keep it submerged.

  • Placed in an air-tight plastic bad

  • Cleaned and dried

  • Submitted to the crime lab in a paper bad


Questão 16 de 36


Discharged evidence bullets must be carefully handled to avoid damage to the:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Manufacturer's imprint

  • Caliber markings

  • Striation markings

  • Ejection pattern


Questão 17 de 36


Tools and tool marks are often found at burglary scenes and can be useful evidence. Proper evidence collection by the field investigator would include:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Reporting whether a tool found at the crime scene fit into the tool marks

  • Making test marks with the suspected tool onto a soft metal surface at the crime scene

  • Taking a photograph and cast of the marks if necessary

  • Packing of tool and tool mark evidence together so that the crime lab personnel know they are thought to be a matched set.


Questão 18 de 36


Two-dimensional imprints found at a crime scene can be lifted using:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Photographic paper

  • A silicone casting medium

  • A scanning electron lifter

  • An electrostatic lifting device


Questão 19 de 36


Shoe and tire marks impressed into soft Earth can be best preserved by:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Photographing and casting with dental stone

  • Photographing and then use of the electrostatic lifting technique.

  • Casting with dental stone and then attempting the electrostatic lift technique.

  • Both a and b


Questão 20 de 36


Which is NOT a class characteristic of a suspect’s sneaker?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Wear marks

  • Brand

  • Color

  • Size


Questão 21 de 36


Which of the following is not expected to show any evidential marks or impressions?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A fired bullet

  • A cartridge casing fired from a handgun

  • A cartridge casting fired from a shotgun

  • A shotgun pellet


Questão 22 de 36


Which of the following procedures is not to be followed in collecting and packaging firearms evidence at the crime scene?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Marking a fired bullet on its base for identification

  • Avoiding inserting a stick or pencil into the barrel of a weapon

  • Marking an empty cartridge case on its base for identification

  • Unloading a weapon before shipping it to the crime laboratory


Questão 23 de 36


Two elements detected on the hands of an individual who has recently fired a weapon are:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Zinc and copper

  • Antimony and barium

  • Barium and nitrates

  • Antimony and iron


Questão 24 de 36


Which of the following factors is least likely to be considered by the examining tool mark technician?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The direction of the tool movement as it passes over the surface

  • The side or portion of the tool making the impression

  • The brand name of the tool

  • The angle at which the tool was held


Questão 25 de 36


Which of the following results is not possible from a laboratory examination of firearm evidence?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Determining that two or more cartridge cases were fired from the same weapon

  • Determining how far from the victim the weapon was held

  • Restoring serial numbers ground off the gun

  • Identifying a bullet as having been combined with a particular shell prior to being discharged


Questão 26 de 36


Which of the following statements is true?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A bullet can be individualized to a weapon by the number and twist of its lands and grooves.

  • The comparison microscope is an indispensable tool of the firearm examiner.

  • The diameter of the bore of a rifled firearm is its gauge.

  • Carbonaceous smoke or soot deposited around a bullet hole is normally indicative of a discharge 12 to 18 feet or less from the target.


Questão 27 de 36


The presence of gunpowder residues on a garment whose color conceals the existence of the residue is best revealed by:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Infrared photography

  • Ultraviolet photography.

  • Color photography.

  • Infrared spectrophotometry.


Questão 28 de 36


Which of the following rifling methods is no longer in use?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The button method

  • The hook cutter method

  • The mandrel method

  • The broach cutter method


Questão 29 de 36


Which of the following makes the final determination about whether or not two bullets were fired by the same gun?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • IBIS

  • A comparison microscope


  • A trained firearms examiner


Questão 30 de 36


The automated shoe print identification system is known as:

Selecione uma das seguintes:



  • ATF

  • IBIS


Questão 31 de 36


Dust imprints found at a crime scene can be lifted using:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Photographic paper

  • A silicone casting medium

  • A scanning electron lifter

  • An electrostatic lifting device


Questão 32 de 36


. A technique applicable for determining whether or not an individual has ¬recently fired a weapon is:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Neutron activation analysis

  • Atomic absorption analysis

  • The scanning electron microscope

  • All of the above


Questão 33 de 36


Objects bearing tool marks should either be submitted intact to the crime lab or a _____ should be taken of the tool mark.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Digital photograph

  • Film photograph

  • Black and white photograph

  • Cast


Questão 34 de 36


A wear pattern, cut, gouge, or other damage pattern can impart _____ characteristics to a shoe.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Class

  • Wear

  • Individual

  • Generic


Questão 35 de 36


An imprint may be lifted from a surface at a crime scene using:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Plaster of paris

  • Luminol

  • Imido black dye

  • An electrostatic lifting device


Questão 36 de 36


The distribution of gunpowder particles and other discharge residues around a bullet hole permits:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Determination of the distance from which the gun was fired.

  • Determination of the kind of firearm used.

  • Estimation of the angle of bullet impact.

  • Estimation of the height of the shooter.
