Cathy Leverkus
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

Cognitive Biases are unconscious beliefs that affect our decision making process. There are many different types. Choose the bias that the description describes.

Cathy Leverkus
Criado por Cathy Leverkus mais de 6 anos atrás

Cognitive Bias Quiz

Questão 1 de 8


A student is writing an article on whether more men or more women are likely to graduate from high school. He believes that more men graduate from high school than women, and he has found evidence that he is right on his favorite news sites. What type of bias is this?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Anchoring bias

  • Blindspot bias

  • Confirmation Bias

  • Negativity Bias

  • Outcome Bias


Questão 2 de 8


Your dad read that using cell phones can cause brain cancer. He refuses to buy a cell phone because he is afraid of contracting brain cancer from using one. No matter how much you try to persuade him with other information, he will not listen. This is an example of?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Anchoring Bias

  • Blind-spot bias

  • Confirmation bias

  • Negativity bias

  • Outcome bias


Questão 3 de 8


Eden had an A on the history pop quiz, so she has decided that she doesn’t need to study for the next history test. The pop quiz was on the same material, and a test can't be that much harder, right? What bias is Eden exhibiting?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Negativity bias

  • Confirmation bias

  • Blindspot bias

  • Outcome bias

  • Anchoring bias


Questão 4 de 8


Brandon Loves the LA Dodgers. They are his home team, and his parents have always told Brandon that the Dodgers are the best team. He knows they are better than the NY Yankees. The NY Yankees have won more trophies, but he still thinks the Dodgers are a better team. Which bias is Brandon exhibiting?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Negativity bias

  • Anchoring bias

  • Outcome bias

  • Confirmation bias

  • Blindspot bias


Questão 5 de 8


Ann noticed that Bill will not read any other news about politics except in his favorite newspaper. She tried to convince him to read other newspapers, so he sees both sides of political issues. Ann focuses on what is wrong with most people and does not look for the positive sides of people, but she knows that she is a very open minded person and is not biased like Bill. What is Ann dealing with?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Outcome bias

  • Negativity bias

  • Confirmation bias

  • Blindspot bias

  • Anchoring bias


Questão 6 de 8


Everything about excise annoys Kate. She wonders what anyone can see in spending time exercising? It is so annoying to hear others talk about the benefits because she believes there aren't any benefits. What bias is Kate exhibiting?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Anchoring bias

  • Blindspot bias

  • Confirmation bias

  • Outcome bias

  • Negativity bias


Questão 7 de 8


Connor told Jason that Northern California votes republican, and he can prove it because that was what was said in Brietbart News and on Fox News, which he sees in his twitter feed. What bias is Connor exhibiting?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Confirmation bias

  • Outcome bias

  • Negativity bias

  • Anchoring bias

  • Blindspot bias


Questão 8 de 8


Bill, mentioned in scenario 5, will not read any other news about politics except in his favorite newspaper. What bias is Bill dealing with?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Negativity bias

  • Anchoring bias

  • Blindspot bias

  • Confirmation bias

  • Outcome bias
