Criado por ablackwood
mais de 11 anos atrás
God is one _____ being.
The essential nature of God may be identified by the _____ attributes.
The incommunicable attributes are His _____.
The personal nature of God may be identified by His _____ attributes.
These communicable attributes are God’s _____ nature, His _____ nature, and His _____ nature.
The distinction of the _____ is that He had begotten the Son from eternity.
The distinction of the _____ is that He had been begotten by the Father from eternity.
The distinction of the _____ is that He proceeds from the Father and the Son from eternity.
The qualities of _____ belong to each of the persons of the trinity.
In describing the deity of the Trinity, we refer to each person of the Trinity.
The persons of the Trinity are the same in _____ and equal in _____, _____, and honor.
The earliest indications of the doctrines of the Trinity appear in the _____.
The term “Trinity” emphasizes the two facets of this doctrine: they are the doctrine of _____ and the doctrine of _____ of God.
Deuteronomy 6:4 emphasizes the _____ of God.
In _____, Solomon spoke of Jehovah as the only God.
In 1 Corinthians 8:6, Paul spoke of one _____ and one _____.
In 1 Timothy 2:5, the oneness of God is based on the fact that there is but one _____.
According to James 2:19, even the devils believe that there is _____.
In Genesis 1:1, the word _____ implies the doctrine of the Trinity.
God recognized the plurality in the Godhead by His use of the pronouns _____ and _____ in Genesis 1:26.
In Genesis 11:7, the pronoun “us” is fulfilled in the word _____.
The use of the pronoun “us” is a communion of the _____.
In Hebrews 1:8, God the Father addresses the Son as _____.
Isaiah 48:16 recognizes the work of both _____ and _____.
According to Romans 8:27, the _____ knows the will of God.
In the formula of _____, we worship God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
In 2 Corinthians 13:14, we worship God in _____ and in _____.
We worship the _____ as the Source of all goodness and love.
We worship the _____ as essential to divine blessing and fellowship.
We worship the _____ as the Dispenser of grace.