What is the basic structure of a DNA molecule?
What is the difference between purines and pyrimidines?
What is the general function of restriction enzymes?
What do type II restriction enzymes do? (2)
Why are the DNA sequences targeted by restriction enzymes usually palindromic?
What are the 2 possible outcomes of the hydrolysis of phosphodiester bonds by restriction enzymes?
Which enzyme can form new phosphodiester bonds?
Which biological technique can be used to separate DNA molecules?
Describe how gel electrophoresis works
What is restriction mapping used for?
How does restriction mapping work?
Which technique is used to amplify known fragments of DNA?
What are the 3 basic stages of PCR?
What components are needed for PCR? (5)
What happens during the denaturation stage?
What happens during the annealing stage?
What happens during the extension phase?
Why is the DNA polymerase Taq used?
In which circumstances is PCR useful?
What could be a clinical application of these techniques?
Describe the process of cloning to produce human insulin. (6 stages)
Why would you perform a chromosome analysis?
What could be detected on a chromosome analysis? (3)
What is G-banding?
What is the biggest disadvantage of G-banding?
What is FISH?
How does FISH work?
What are the disadvantages of FISH?
What is QF-PCR?
What does QF-PCR achieve?
What are microsatellites?
How is QF-PCR better than FISH or G-staining?
What is aCGH?
What does aCGH detect?
Describe the process of aCGH
What is Sanger sequencing?
How can you 'paint' a specific chromosome so it can be identified by FISH?