Criado por Saudy Garcia
mais de 6 anos atrás
Jean Piaget's (1896-1980) Theory
JP's Clinical Method
Prior to JP's Invstigations
Piaget's Thinking Regarding Children
Piaget and Schemas
Piaget's Assimilation and Accomodation
Piaget's Process of Equilibration
Piaget's (4) Stages of Cognitive Development
Object Permanence
Classic A not B Error
Preoperational (2-7 yrs old)
Concrete Operational (7-11 or 12 years old)-BASIC LOGICAL PRINCIPLES EMERGE
Formal Operational -Adolescence into Adulthood
Criticisms of Piaget's Theory
Applying Piaget in the Classroom
Stage-based Teaching and or Constructivist Teaching Practices