rocio bonilla
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

Quiz sobre Evaluation of four skills, criado por rocio bonilla em 06-07-2018.

rocio bonilla
Criado por rocio bonilla aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Evaluation of four skills

Questão 1 de 5


Regarding the text
Dear Marcos,

Hi, my name is Rebecca and I am your new pen pal. I’m ten years old, and I live in Barcelona, Spain. I go to the 4th grade in Saint Michael Elementary School. On weekdays, I get up at 6 o’clock. The school starts at 7:30 in the morning. I have my lunch at the school cafeteria and I usually leave around 3:30 in the afternoon. I am good at math, I also like history and geography but I my favorite subject is science. I like playing basketball and soccer. I also play tennis, and I like swimming. On the weekends, I go to the movie theater with my friends. We like action movies. I usually go to church with my parents on Sundays.
Please write and tell me about you and your life. What’s your family like? What do you like doing in your spare time?
I hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,

How old is Rebecca?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • She is ten years old

  • She ten year is

  • She has ten years old


Questão 2 de 5


Regarding the text:


Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • are good in history, and she likes math

  • is good in math, and she likes history

  • is good in science, and she likes geography


Questão 3 de 5


Regarding the text
She usually

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • go to church with her parents

  • goes to church with his parents

  • goes to church with her parents


Questão 4 de 5


Regarding the text:
When does Rebecca go to the theater?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • On mondays

  • On weekends

  • On fridays


Questão 5 de 5


Hi, my name’s Andriy. I love football, I am a great fan of AC Milan. I have also been interested in cars since I was a child. I’m crazy about driving and I also enjoy fixing cars. When I was ten, I had many toy cars. I would play with them, repair the ones my friends broke. I also used to help my dad fix his car. So, eventually I decided to become a mechanic and open up my own shop. My parents are happy with my choice, too. Because they think it’s important that I pursue a carrier that I like. I have a bright career now and I really enjoy it. I’m planning to get married soon. My girlfriend is also interested in cars. Who knows, maybe we can run the car shop together with our kids in the future.

Which statement is correct

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • He had many toy cars when he was six

  • When he was ten, he had many toy cars.

  • He doesn´t like to fix cars
