Criado por Rachel Hoss
mais de 6 anos atrás
Valuation Process
Steps of the Valuation Process
Sub-steps of Defining the problem
Real property
USPAP: market value
Effective Date
Extraordinary assumption
Hypothetical condition
Workfile contents
General Data
General Data Forces
Specific Data
Sources of General Data
Trade Associations
Sources of Specific Data
Specific Data provided by the deed
Flood maps are prepared by...
Total property value
Separate site valuations may be required in...
Cost Approach
Depreciated Value
Condemnation Appraisals
The most common contaminant
Extraction Method (Abstraction Method)
Allocation Method
Land Residual Method
Ground Rent Capitalization Method
Relative comparison analysis
Ranking analysis
"Prairie Style" Homes
Five basic housing types
Manufactured Home
Modular Home
Gross Living Area
Gross Building Area
Soil Maps
Wood foundations
Most popular framing
Current Siding
"R" Factor
Increase the insulating capacity in modern windows
Electric Heat Pumps
Knob and Tube
Cost Approach Formula
Cost Approach
Reproduction Cost
Replacement Cost
Entrepreneurial Incentive
Cost Approach is Most Applicable
Most Common unit of construction costs
Major Cost Estimating Services
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Entrepreneurial Incentive
Traditional Cost Estimating Methods
Comparative-unit method
Unit-in-place method
Quantity survey method
Functional Obsolescence
External Obsolescence
Effective Age
Age-Life Method
Deferred Maintenance
Sales Comparison Approach
10 Basic Elements of Comparison
Comparative analysis
Paired Data Analysis
Relative comparison analysis
Overall Capitalization Rate (Ro)
Excess Rent
Deficit Rent
Types of Variable Expenses
Potential Gross Income
Effective Gross Income
Direct vs. Yield capitalization
GRMs vs. GIMs