alejandra alfonso
Mapa Mental por , criado more than 1 year ago

Mapa Mental sobre IMPACTS OF TOURISM, criado por alejandra alfonso em 18-09-2018.

alejandra alfonso
Criado por alejandra alfonso mais de 6 anos atrás
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IMPACTS OF TOURISMTourism as well as generates benefits also brings damage that affect ourbiological biodiversity and natural resources, that is the most characteristiceffect of the impact of tourismENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTSIt is the effect produced by human activity on the environmental.impacts that affect the carrying capacity of the area, vegetation,air quality, wildlife and natural phenomenaSOCIOCULTURAL IMPACTSAssociated with interactions between peoples and culturebackground, attitudes and behaviors, and their relationships tomaterial goods, they have been traditionally focused from the pointof view of the benefits that it brings, the sociocultural impacts areusually analyzed from their negative sideECONOMIC IMPACTSUsually seen as positive, contributing to employment, betterservices , and social stability. yet these impacts can alsocontribute to high living costs within the communityClique duas vezes aqui para editar o textoClique e arraste este botão para criar um novo tópico