Criado por Hannah Tribe
mais de 10 anos atrás
What are local anaesthetics?
What was the first LA discovered? What has been developed since, that is used instead of the original substance?
How do LAs produce a loss of pain sensation?
Chemically, what are LAs?
What is the key difference between procaine and lignocaine? Why is this significant?
How do Na+ channels play a part in transmission of APs?
How does this stop the perception of pain?
Why are local anaesthetics only given locally and not taken systemically?
Where do the LAs have to be to be effective?
How can LAs enter the cell? What prevents them from diffusing out again?
Which form of LA is most effective at blocking Na+ channels?
In what 3 states can Na+ channels exist?
What is the idea of use-dependence?
Why are pain fibres blocked before other sensory and motor fibres?
What are the side effects if LAs enter the CNS?
What happens if LAs enter the circulation?
What are 4 ways of administering local anaesthetics?
What is sometimes also administered with LAs?
What effect does this have?
What can be a side-effect of this?