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Danny Moran
Mapa Mental por , criado more than 1 year ago

Year 9 Computing Mapa Mental sobre 1.1 System Architecture V2, criado por Danny Moran em 10-01-2019.

Danny Moran
Criado por Danny Moran aproximadamente 6 anos atrás
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about 6 years ago
WOW!!!! Danny Moran.
1.1 System Architecture V2System BusesUsed to reduce the amount ofdata collisionsData Bus - Carries instructions from the mainmemory to the processorAddress Bus - Carriesaddresses fromprocessor to mainmemory, it isunidirectionalControl Bus - Instructs whichdata will be travelling to andfrom memoryInternalComponents - TheProcessor, MainMemory (RAM, ROM,EEPROM), I/OControllers, BusesExternal Components - Keyboard, mouse,printer, disk drives, I/O Devices/ I/O Ports,Secondary Storage (External Hard drive)ROM - Read OnlyMemoryI/O Controllers - These are used to allow aninterface between a hardware deviceexternal to the motherboard and theprocessor.More Cores = More instructions can beprocessed simultaneouslyEmbeddedSystemsHertz - Number Of CyclesPer SecondProcessor Speed - Measured In HertzTypical speeds havespanned across MHzand GHzThe purpose of theCPU is to carry outprograminstructions.CPU automatically checks cache for instructionsbefore it requests data from RAM. This savesfetching the instructions and data repeatedlyfrom RAM – a relatively slow process.Cache - Small amount ofmemory that is a part of theCPU - closer to the CPU thanRAM. Used to temporarily holdinstructions and data that theCPU is likely to reuseMotherboard - A circuit board thatconnects the CPU to the memory TheCPU sits on the motherboard (alsocalled the logic board).Buses - Circuits on the motherboardwhich connect the CPU to othercomponents..Bridges - Manage how data + instructions aretransferred CPU, memory and other devices.ROM (read only memory) is non-volatileNon-volatile means that its contentscannot be changed and it retains itsmemory after the computer is turnedoff.Rom contains BIOSwhich is thefirmware to themotherboard. TheBIOS contains thebootstrapPROM - Made as blank ROM.PROM chips can be boughtcheaply and programmed directlyby a programmer. They are notrewritable so they can only beprogrammed once.EEPROM (electrically erasableprogrammable read-only memory) -firmware can be easily updated, similar toa rewriteable CDA system within anotherdevice e.g. central heatingsystem, dishwashers,fridges, washing machinesA bus moves instructionsand data around thesystemThe speed of a bus is measured in megahertz (MHz).The faster the bus, the faster data is communicated.The speed of the motherboard is defined by the busspeed.It happens between turning on the powerand the computer beeping to say it is startingto load the OS. This process is known as POST(power on self test) on a PC.The boot sequence isthe computer's initialstart-up process. Afterthe boot, the OScontrols the CPU andsupplies the programsto run.Bootstrap ladder is held in ROM, givesthe instruction to start up theOperating SystemEach CPU is designed to execute a specific group of instructions. The CPU carriesout a series of functions in a continuous cycleI/O Controllers are used for:Keyboard, Mouse, Disk DriveClique duas vezes aqui para editar o textoClique e arraste este botão para criar um novo tópico