Criado por Sophie O'Sullivan
aproximadamente 10 anos atrás
What is meant by the sanctity of life? Include Bible quotes
What is abortion?
Abortions are legal today if...
How is abortion carried out?
Why do women have abortions?
When is the point of viability?
When is the start of human life according to the Catholic Church?
Pro Choice Arguments
Pro-Life Arguments
What are the alternatives to abortion?
What is Euthanasia?
Why might people want Euthanasia?
What is Voluntary Euthanasia?
Why do Churches disagree with Voluntary Euthanasia?
What is Involuntary Euthanasia?
Christian Responses to Involuntary Euthanasia
What is Active Euthanasia?
What is Passive Euthanasia?
What is a hospice?
How is a hospice a Christian response?
How is a hospice a Christian response?