Catherine Ross
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Agrarian to Industrial, Rural to Urban

Catherine Ross
Criado por Catherine Ross mais de 5 anos atrás

HIST 7A - Chapter 10: America's Economic Revolution

Questão 1 de 15


Cult of Domesticity

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • name that some scholars use to describe the idea that it was a woman's responsibility to be the custodians of morality and benevolence;

  • bringing textile operations together under a single roof, thanks to the use of new and larger machines driven by water power

  • system of labor which relied heavily, almost exclusively, on young unmarried women as workers

  • the greatest construction project the U.S. had undertaken at the time

  • a defense of native-born people and a hostility toward foreign-born, usually combined with a desire to stop or slow immigration


Questão 2 de 15


Factory System

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • name that some scholars use to describe the idea that it was a woman's responsibility to be the custodians of morality and benevolence;

  • bringing textile operations together under a single roof, thanks to the use of new and larger machines driven by water power

  • system of labor which relied heavily, almost exclusively, on young unmarried women as workers

  • the greatest construction project the U.S. had undertaken at the time

  • a defense of native-born people and a hostility toward foreign-born, usually combined with a desire to stop or slow immigration


Questão 3 de 15


Lowell System

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • name that some scholars use to describe the idea that it was a woman's responsibility to be the custodians of morality and benevolence;

  • bringing textile operations together under a single roof, thanks to the use of new and larger machines driven by water power

  • system of labor which relied heavily, almost exclusively, on young unmarried women as workers

  • the greatest construction project the U.S. had undertaken at the time

  • a defense of native-born people and a hostility toward foreign-born, usually combined with a desire to stop or slow immigration


Questão 4 de 15



Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • name that some scholars use to describe the idea that it was a woman's responsibility to be the custodians of morality and benevolence;

  • bringing textile operations together under a single roof, thanks to the use of new and larger machines driven by water power

  • system of labor which relied heavily, almost exclusively, on young unmarried women as workers

  • the greatest construction project the U.S. had undertaken at the time

  • a defense of native-born people and a hostility toward foreign-born, usually combined with a desire to stop or slow immigration


Questão 5 de 15


Erie Canal

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • name that some scholars use to describe the idea that it was a woman's responsibility to be the custodians of morality and benevolence;

  • bringing textile operations together under a single roof, thanks to the use of new and larger machines driven by water power

  • system of labor which relied heavily, almost exclusively, on young unmarried women as workers

  • the greatest construction project the U.S. had undertaken at the time

  • a defense of native-born people and a hostility toward foreign-born, usually combined with a desire to stop or slow immigration


Questão 6 de 15


Cyrus H. McCormick

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Inventor of the automatic reaper

  • After several years of experimentation, he succeed in transmitting a telegraph message from Baltimore to Washington in 1844

  • Creator of the female labor reform association, demanded a 10-hour work day and other improvements in the mills

  • Inventors of the sewing machine

  • Discovered the method of vulcanizing rubber, which made it strong and more flexible


Questão 7 de 15


Samuel F. B. Morse

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Inventor of the automatic reaper

  • After several years of experimentation, he succeed in transmitting a telegraph message from Baltimore to Washington in 1844

  • Creator of the female labor reform association, demanded a 10-hour work day and other improvements in the mills

  • Inventors of the sewing machine

  • Discovered the method of vulcanizing rubber, which made it strong and more flexible


Questão 8 de 15


Sarah Bagley

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Inventor of the automatic reaper

  • After several years of experimentation, he succeed in transmitting a telegraph message from Baltimore to Washington in 1844

  • Creator of the female labor reform association, demanded a 10-hour work day and other improvements in the mills

  • Inventors of the sewing machine

  • Discovered the method of vulcanizing rubber, which made it strong and more flexible


Questão 9 de 15


Howe and Singer

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Inventor of the automatic reaper

  • After several years of experimentation, he succeed in transmitting a telegraph message from Baltimore to Washington in 1844

  • Creator of the female labor reform association, demanded a 10-hour work day and other improvements in the mills

  • Inventors of the sewing machine

  • Discovered the method of vulcanizing rubber, which made it strong and more flexible


Questão 10 de 15


Charles Goodyear

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Inventor of the automatic reaper

  • After several years of experimentation, he succeed in transmitting a telegraph message from Baltimore to Washington in 1844

  • Creator of the female labor reform association, demanded a 10-hour work day and other improvements in the mills

  • Inventors of the sewing machine

  • Discovered the method of vulcanizing rubber, which made it strong and more flexible


Questão 11 de 15


The American population between 1820 and 1840

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • became increasingly rural.

  • doubled.

  • grew fastest in the South.

  • was migrating westward.

  • was not growing as fast as the population of Europe.


Questão 12 de 15


In the 1850s the foreign-born outnumbered those of native birth in all of the following cities except

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Chicago.

  • Milwaukee.

  • New York City.

  • All of these choices are correct.

  • St. Louis.


Questão 13 de 15


At the time it was completed, the Erie Canal was

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • already paid for.

  • the greatest construction project Americans had ever undertaken.

  • beginning to fill with silt from the Great Lakes.

  • already obsolete.

  • cited as an example of how not to construct a canal.


Questão 14 de 15


One of the immediate results of the new transportation routes constructed during the “canal age” was

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • increased white settlement in the Southwest.

  • the conviction that the national government should be responsible for all internal improvements.

  • increased white settlement in the Northwest.

  • the renewed cooperation between states and the national government on internal improvement projects.

  • the dominance of steamboat transport.


Questão 15 de 15


The most profound economic development in mid-nineteenth-century America was the

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • decline of American agriculture.

  • creation of corporations.

  • rise of the factory.

  • decline of the small-town merchant and general store.

  • development of a national banking system.
