Criado por Alexis Lazarus
quase 6 anos atrás
Which century is theater considered to have begun?
Which civilization?
How did the Roman Catholic Church help the development of theatre throughout the Middle Ages.
Two forms of opera that grew out of the Renaissance?
One of the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan?
Which 1927 musical by Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein dealt with a serious social issue?
What famous composer/lyricist team wrote Oklahoma!
Name three other musicals by this team?
Who wrote the modern day "Romeo and Juliet" musical?
What is the name of the musical?
When you don't sing, but speak the words in team with the musical is called?
After the actor who played the role of Professor Higgins in the musical?
What was the first rock musical?
Name a movie musical?
The four elements of Musical Theatre?
Another form of singing theatre?
What is "recitative"?
Three components of a musical?
What forms the "libretto"?
What is the "score"?
Why is it different to other forms of theatre?
Two famous musical theaters and locations?
Name a "book" based musical?
Name a musical based on a movie?
Name two musicals not mentioned in the packet?