Criado por knightcaz2k
mais de 10 anos atrás
Classical criminology - Caroline's catchup
this relates to providing knowledge that can have a practical application in reducing crime and criminal behaviour.....
Who, in 18th century, argued that punishment should be proportionate, fair and just and decided by laws
the pain of the (....??....) should be more severe than the pleasure gained from the crime.
‘Padhy stated that…this free will approach is more concerned with .....(..??....) than with prediction..’
This theory states the happiness of the masses should be protected by the swift, severe but fair punishment of the few
Classicism though could not account for the complexities of criminal behaviour and was not (...???....) based
This approach held appeal for politicians and society - looking for a more convincing explanation for criminal behaviour, and an opportunity to address it
What is the central fault line that Newburn describes in the classical rational actor approach?
Tierney describes this as a direct descendant of the classical tradition, with a primary interest in deterring crime and a lack of interest in the causes of criminality. And with elements of control theory.