Criado por megan.radcliffe16
quase 10 anos atrás
What are the characteristics of a Transmission Electron Microscope?
What are the characteristics of a Scanning Electron Microscope?
why are stains used with light microscopes?
what are the different stains that can be used?
why are salts of heavy metals used in TEMs.
why is a layer of heavy metal used in SEMs?
what does Methylene blue do to the cells?
what does Iodine solution do to the cells?
what does Acetic Orcein do to the cells?
what does the modern cell theory state?
what is Metabolism?
What is Anabolism?
what is catabolism?
what is muticellular?
what is magniifcation?
what is the calculation of magnification?
what is the calculation of magnification when using scale bars?
what is resolution?
what are the two measurements that two points can be resolved?
why are light microscopes used more widely?
what is the ultra structure?
what structures are seen in both animals and plants by a light microscope?
what structures are only seen in animal cells?
what structures are only seen in plant cells?
what structures of the cells can only be seen by an electron microscope?
what is the plasma membrane?
what is the nucleus?
why are the nuclear pore present on the nuclear envelope?
what is the cytoplasm?
what are the three components that the cytoplasm is made up of?
what is compartmentation?
what does compartmentation do?
what are the four advantages to compartmentation?
what is the function of the nucleolus?
what is chromatin?
what is the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)?
what is the difference between Rough ER and Smooth ER?
what are the functions of Rough ER?
what are the functions of Smooth ER?
what is the Golgi Apparatus?
what are the functions of the Golgi?
what are the characteristics of Mitochondria?
what are the functions of the Mitochondria?
what is the functions of ribosomes?
what are the sizes of ribosomes?
what are Lysosomes?
what are the functions of Lysosomes?
what are the functions of chloroplasts?
what are the characteristics of chloroplasts?
what are Cillia and Flagella?
What are the characteristics of the Cillia and Flagella?
what is the cytoskelaton made up of?
what are the functions of the cytoskeleton?
what is the difference between Eukaryotic cells and Prokaryotic cells?
what do Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells have in common?