Define Excretion.
what is Urea made from and where is it made?
What are the sides effects of having to much protein which leads to too much Urea?
what blood vessels are present in the Liver?
what are the features of the Hepatic artery?
what are the features of the Hepatic portal vein?
what are the features of the Hepatic vein?
what is the liver tissue made up of?
What are the lobules made up of?
what is the function of the sinusoids?
What is the function of Bile Canaliculi?
What is the function of the Kupffer Cells?
What is deamination?
what happens during deamination?
why is ammonia very toxic?
How is Urea formed?
Where does the detoxification of alcohol happen?
what is the process of deamination?
What is needed during deamination?
What substances (other than alcohol) are removed in the kidneys and why?
what could an excess amount of alcohol cause in the liver.
What does Cirrhosis cause?
why is it important to remove metabolic waste ( CO2)?
What is the gross structure of the kidney?
What are the two stages of forming urine?
where does ultrafiltration occur?
How is the blood pressure maintained during Ultrafiltration?
What is the process of Ultrafiltration?
What size are the molecules that are not able to pass through the basement membrane?
Why can the water in the filtrate not move back into the capillaries?
What are Podocyte cells?
Where does Selective reabsorption take place?
What is the process of Selective reabsorption?
What happens during selective reabsorption?
What is the role of the Loop of Henle?
What are the stages of reabsorption in the loop of Henle?
What does the Distal Convoluted Tubule do?
What is the name given to the hormone that alters the permeability of the collecting duct?
How does ADH alter the permeability of the collecting duct?