Criado por Jerika Poole
aproximadamente 6 anos atrás
what is the integumentary system?
what does the integumentary system contribute to?
functions of integumentary system?
another name for skin
what is the epidermis composed of
what are the 4 principles types of cells in the epidermis
what is 90% of the epidermal cells?
what protein does Keratinocytes produce
what is keratin
what makes up 8% of epidermal cells?
what are intraepidermal macrophages(Langerhans cells)
where do intraepidermal machrophages (Langerhans cells) arise from?
what are tactile epithelial cells(merkel cells)
where are tactile epithelial cells(merkel cells) located
4 layers of epidermis in most regions(thicker)
5 layers of epidermis in less regions(thin skin)
what is the dermis
what is the dermis composed of
what are the abilitys of the dermis
what is embedded in the dermis
what are free nerve endings
what can free nerve endings sense?
where is the reticular region located?
what is the keratinization process
what are the 3 pigments that impart a wide variety of colours to the skin
where does the secreting portion of a sebatious gland lie?
what does the sebaceous gland secrete
what are the two types of wound healing
how does deep wound healing occur
when does epidermal wound healing occur
who are the 2019 board of directors
what is an open question?
what is a closed ended question?
Noun suffixes
adjective suffixes
Med term colours
what is code of ethics?
what is the massage therapy scope of practice?
where can you find the scope of practice?
general principles that guide the practice of massage therapy
what is the meaning of "respect for persons"
what is the meaning of responsible caring?
what does "integrity in relationships" mean
what does "responsibility to society" mean
what does "standards of practice" mean?
what are the 16 standards of practice
when should the treatment room be cleaned and set up?
when should you notify a client about a fee change
how long should you wash your hands?
when should you wash your hands?
what questions must be included in the interview with the cx
when should you ask the cx questions about their tx goals ETC.
what should you do about your client when there is an outbreak of infectious disease?
why do you need to know if a cx has a chance of being exposed to the disease/infection?
when should an interview take place relating to an infectious outbreak/disease
why do we need to obtain/update and record cx HH?
what do you say to a client when they ask who will be able to see their file?
does consent have to be voluntary?
what does consent provide the client with?
when do you go through consent with you cx?
why do we do assessments?
what are all of the factors used to create a clinical impression
how do you find out if massage is indicated?
what if mx is not indicated and the condition is out of your scope to treat or untreatable?
What if the cx has a Ci?
what if a mx is indicated?
when should you explain the initial tx plan to your cx?
what is a treatment plan?
when should you talk to your cx about a tx plan & when should it be updated?
what needs to be on an ongoing tx plan?
what might happen that would cause a change in a tx plan
what do you have to do when you change the tx plan?
when and where should you document a change in tx plan?
standard 11, what are you going to instruct your cx to do AFTER they have given you consent to treat?
acronym for the 4 layers ot epidermis in most regions(thick)
what other information are you going to provide your cx after you tell them to undress?
what is the protocal for assisting a cx to undress/dress?
what do you do after the tx is done?
7 standards during draping/undraping
what do you do when you need the cx to change position?
5 standards to assist/instruct cx to change position
what are the conditions for standard 13 recommend self care?
3 standards for recommending self care
standard 14 cx health record, what are the 3 standards
what must a record of a mx tx consist of?
when should soap notes be completed
standard 15: use of PPE during tx, what are the conditions?
what are the 6 standards of using PPE during tx?
when should PPE be put on?
when should a cx be discharged?
what are the 5 standards when discharging a cx
when should the cx receive notice of discharge?
what MUST an advertisement include?
what MAY an advertisement include?
What MAY NOT be in an advertisement?
what is the legislation for ancillary & related activities?
why was the policy statement regarding to ancillary & related activities created?
what does the college consider ancillary & related activities? "RMT must be ____ and mx for more hours than _____"
what does "massage related" mean?
when registered, what do you receive from the college as proof? Is this owned by the RMT?
can you copy, duplicate or transfer the photo id or wall certificate?
can you rent out, or sell the certificate of registration or corresponding registration number? why or why not?
what happens when an RMT is suspended/revoked? what if this is not followed?
can you display an inactive certificate?
what if a retired RMT that is not practicing would like to keep their certificate or id badge
whos respobsible to protect the certificate, id badge and registration number?
what If an RMT works in 2 places and only has 1 certificate?
what happens to their certificate if an RMT leaves a place of employment?
what are RMTS responsible for when it comes to complimentary modalities?
is teaching a complimentary modality considered massage therapy?
can a complimentary modality be charged as massage therapy?
are things other than massage therapy covered under the members liability insurance?
what are some complimentary modalities?
what modalities are out of our SOP?
what is the main purpose ot HCCA?
the HCCA "sets" out the following
the HCCA states consent must do what?
what must the RMT explain to the cx when talking about the proposed tx plan?
when is consent informed?
what does "treatment" mean?
what does treatment not include
what is considered a "capable" person?
what are some examples of how someones capacity may be questioned?
what if you tell someone a substitute decision maker will be assisting and they say they dont need them or disagree with it?
Is a cx with an SDM still included in the discussion ot tx plan
what if the cx doesnt want an SDM or dont like their SDM?
What is an substitute decision makers?(SDM)
what is the Hierarchy of SDM's
what are the 6 parts for the MTA, 1991
Part 1 MTA exams, what is the college expected to do?
how many examinations must there be in a year? what if you fail 3 times?
part 3 MTA, records. what are the expectations for the therapist when it comes to records?
what if an RMT cant provide copies of a cx's health record?
who can get copies of a cx record?
what if an RMT denies a copy of a record because the client has not paid the fee?
when can clients info be shared without asking consent? who can it be shared with?
When is it okay for the RMT to share copies or info from a cx health record to another person?
who is responsible to make sure that everyone knows about open to public council meetings? where will it be published?
what language must the notice of a public council meeting be in? what must be included in the article?
can you request to be notified if there is a hearing of the panel of discipline committee?
when you are notified of a discipline hearing, what info must be included?
what is considered a misconduct when advertising?
what is considered misconduct when it comes to records?
what happens when a member violates the terms on their certificate?
what if you proceed with tx etc. without the cx's consent
what if you verbally or physically abuse a cx?
when is it okay to discontinue professional services that are needed?
what if the rmt has a "secret remedy" or tx and doesn't disclose this info with the cx, college or cx rep. when asked?
what if you fail to make payments to the college?
what if you fail to permit entrey at a reasonable time or co-operate with a rep. from the college that is doing an inspection on your records, office, equipment or practice?
what if you sign or issue a document you know contains false info?
"submitting charge or account for services that the member knows is false or misleading" what kind of conduct is this?
what if you charge a cx less than listed & don't note it?
what if you give /offer a cx a discount for prompt payment?
when should you notify the college of any changes of info?
what is the quality assurance program?
what is included in the Quality assurance program? is it mandatory to participate?
what is a professional portfolio?
when do self assessment tools need to be completed?
when shall you submit your professional portfolio?
what is a peer assessment?
how do you get selected to do a peer assessment
who appoints the assessor? can the member know who it is?
what does the assessor do after writing a report for peer assessment?
when the report is sent to the committee(peer assessment) can the member do anything?
what can the committee do if the peer assessment report proves the members knowledge, skills, and judgment are unsatisfactory?
what does the commitee do for a follow up peer assessment?
what if the member does not follow the feedback given to them by the committee after a peer assessment?
if a member was told to get additional assistance, take a refresher course or remedial course and they do not do so, what can the committee do?
what if the committee feels as though conditions, terms or limitations are no longer needed on a members certificate?
what does the committee have to do before applying conditions, terms or limitations onto someone's certificate? can the member do anything after this notice?
what if a member iss found guilty of sexual nature towards a cx?
what happens after a member(that has been found guilty of acting in a sexual nature towards a cx) has completed a psychological assessment/other assessment?
when a member has been found guilty of acting in a sexual nature towards a cx, in what situation can the committee not take action?
where is the health professionals & procedural code aand scope of practice found?
what if a member found guilty of sexual nature towards a cx refuses to under go an assessment, undertake measures specified by the committee, or fails to complete those measures within a time period specified by the commtiee?
what does the council compose of?
who can vote in elections?
who elects the president & vice president?
how many times is there an election for this position?
what if someone calls themselves and MT or RMT? or says they are qualitifed to do so?
what are the 2 types of certificates of registration?
how do you apply for certificate of registration?
when applying for a certificate of registration, what details must you provide if applicable to you?
what is the term in office for the members of the consent and capacity board?
what is "the minister"?
what is the duty ot minister
what regulation is the duty of the minister found under?
what are the powers ot minister?
must the council comply with the ministers requests?
what is a college supervisor?
what is the advisory council?
what matters may be referred to the advisory council?
what does the advisory council consist of?
what position does the advisory council have to give on of their employees?
"memebers of the advisory council may be appointed for terms of ____ years"
what does the secretary of council do?
what are the 7 committees?
who appoints the members of the committees
what must each committee submit to the council?
what does a panel consist of?